
2024-09-29 09:53:00来源:网络


  Narrator: 欢迎回到 Tip Top 贸易公司。Anna 的工作面试被突然打断了。办公助理 Denise慌慌张张的进来,不知道发生了什么事情。Anna 能不能提点建议,帮忙解决难题呢?

  Denise: I don't know what to do!

  Paul: So what's the matter Denise?

  Denise: You know the PowerPoint presentation?

  Paul: The one we've been preparing for the last two months?

  Denise: Yes.

  Paul: The one that's very, very important and that we need this afternoon?

  Denise: That one.

  Paul: Aha.

  Denise: We've lost everything!

  Paul: No!

  Denise: I had it on a USB stick, to transfer it, but the stick has vanished!

  Narrator: Anna, 自我表现的机会来了。我教你几个词,你肯定能用到

  我能提个建议吗?Can I make a suggestion?

  为什么不…? Why don't you?

  你有没有试试…? Have you tried?

  我们可以试试…? Maybe we could…?

  那么这样可以吗?How about…?

  我有个想法!I have an idea!

  Paul: But don't you have it saved on your computer?

  Denise: No, it was taking up a lot of space, so I deleted it.

  Paul: So you have lost the only copy we have.

  Denise: Yes.

  Narrator: 太笨了吧!怎么这么没条理。Anna, 你得帮帮他们了。

  Anna: Can I make a suggestion?

  Paul: Yes, please do!

  Anna: Why don't you try looking in your recycle bin? – it might still be there.

  Denise: I did. It isn't.

  Anna: Have you tried asking your colleagues if they've seen the memory stick?

  Denise: I did. They haven't.

  Anna: How about looking through your rubbish bin to see if you threw it away by mistake?

  Denise: (getting shirty) I don't do silly things like that!

  Paul: All very sensible suggestions Anna, thank you.

  Anna: Maybe I could do a big office search for you? I'm good at finding things.

  Denise: There are confidential documents in this office – non-staff are not allowed to see them.

  Paul: Now, now Denise. Why don't you drink up that nice tea?

  Anna: I have an idea! Did you ever email the presentation to anyone?

  Paul: Golly gosh, you did Denise! You emailed it to me to proofread. It'll be in my inbox somewhere. Good thinking Anna!

  Denise: I was just about to suggest that myself actually.

  Paul: Problem solved. Thank you Anna!

  Anna: Pleasure.

  Narrator: 好样的!Anna!

  Paul: Right, now please leave us Denise. Anna and I will continue our interview. Would you like a biscuit Anna?

  Anna: Thank you. Oh, what's that?

  Paul: Oh golly gosh, the USB stick! It was mixed in with the plate of biscuits that Denise brought in.

  Anna: It's wet!

  Paul: Yes, I think maybe I stirred my tea with it at one point. Oh well. Now, where were we...? My goodness, it's 11 o'clock! I have a meeting right now! I'm afraid I'm going to have to go. But I've made up my mind about you anyway. I suppose you'd like to know if you've got the job?

  Anna: Yes please!

  Narrator: 停下!大家肯定都迫不及待的想知道 Anna 的面试结果,不过先别着急,我们先把今天她用到的短语再听一遍

  Can I make a suggestion?

  Why don't you try looking in your recycle bin?

  Have you tried asking your colleagues if they've seen the memory stick?

  How about...?

  Maybe I could do a big office search for you?

  How about looking through your rubbish bin?

  I have an idea!

  Paul: Anna, we need someone who can think on her feet and who is a first-rate people person. Someone who sees solutions, not problems... someone like you! So if you want the job, it's yours!

  Narrator: Ah, Anna 你可得想清楚了,真的要到这里来工作吗?他们看起来很混乱。

  Anna: I would definitely like the job! Thank you!

  Narrator: 那好,这可是你的决定哦!好了,下周我们再看 Anna 做为销售专员在 Tip Top 贸易公司上班的第一天会是怎样的?




  Anna 在面试中记不起来的那个表示动力的词是什么?


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