商务口语积累:Food 美食(上)

2024-11-12 06:48:00来源:网络

  商务口语是职场中比较常用的,在不同的场合,英语口语也有很多的注意事项。所以想要更好的提升商务口语能力,大家还是需要在平时做好相应的训练。具体的商务口语需要提升哪些呢?下面小编为大家整理了“商务口语积累:Food 美食(上)”相关内容,一起来看看吧!

  美国驻中国员工Tiffany 跟中国同事Kelly聊天儿。

  Kelly Yan: So Tiffany, you've been workingwith us here in China for a few months now. Are you still feeling cultureshock?

  Tiffany Scolini: Yes, a bit. But it's muchbetter than the first few weeks. Back then I was really a fish out of water.

  K: Remember the first time I took you toeat real Chinese food? You barely touched anything!

  T: I know! I was scared! A lot of the foodhere is very different from back home. And the Chinese restaurants I've been toin America are very different from here.

  Tiffany来中国几个月,文化上还是有些不习惯,Iam still feeling culture shock a little bit. 不过,跟刚开始比已经强多了。刚来那会儿,Iwas really a fish out of water. 就象离了水的鱼,意思是跟环境格格不入,特别不自在。Kelly第一次带Tiffany去中国餐馆吃饭,Tiffany几乎没动筷子,因为这儿的中餐馆跟美国的中餐馆差别太大了。

  K: Yeah. We Chinese like to joke aboutAmerican Chinese food. It's really not very authentic.

  T: Yes, that's true. But I think it's trueall around the world. You really have to be in the food's original country totruly experience it. My family is Italian and in Italy they thinkAmerican-Italian food is awful!

  K: Oh, but I love pizza!

  T: Me, too! But the pizza in Italy isn'tanything like American pizza. In the U.S. we like to borrow the general idea ofa food, and then we give it an American twist.

  吃中国饭去中国,吃意大利菜去意大利,这样才能吃到最正宗的,authentic, a-u-t-h-e-n-t-i-c, authentic. 在美国,虽然什么都能吃得到,但是美国人喜欢把别人的菜拿来,give it an American twist,加入美国自己的特色。

  K: I remember when I was in the States I orderedfish one time. When the dish arrived I was surprised to see just a little chunkof meat. I thought "Where is the head and tail?"

  T: (laughs) Oh...yes. In the States wealmost never leave the head and tail on a fish! Americans are kind of squeamishwhen it comes to dead animals. We would never - not in a million years - leavethe head on a chicken!

  K: Yeah, that's right! I never saw achicken head when I was there.

  Kelly回忆说,她在美国点鱼,结果上来的只是一盘鱼肉。原来,美国人不吃鱼头和鱼尾。Tiffany解释说,Americans are kind of squeamish when it comes to dead animals,美国人对杀生非常敏感。Squeamish意思是容易受惊的,神经质的。Americans would never--not in a million years - leave the head on achicken. 美国人绝不会把鸡头留在盘子里。这里说的not in a million years, 一百万年都不会,是强调的意思。Tiffany对中国菜还有哪些印象呢?我们下次继续听。

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    来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:34:00 关键字 : 商务口语

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    来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:34:00 关键字 : 商务口语
