商务口语积累:Taking up Golf 什么时候学会高尔夫的?(上)

2024-11-20 07:05:00来源:网络

  商务口语是职场中比较常用的,在不同的场合,英语口语也有很多的注意事项。所以想要更好的提升商务口语能力,大家还是需要在平时做好相应的训练。具体的商务口语需要提升哪些呢?下面小编为大家整理了“商务口语积累:Taking up Golf 什么时候学会高尔夫的?(上)”相关内容,一起来看看吧!


  Mark: Hey Robert...going on vacation? Lookslike you're planning on doing some golfing.

  Robert: Yes, I will be playing golf, butI'm not going on vacation. I'm meeting up our New York office's seniormanagement team. We'll be playing a few rounds and going over the merger plans.

  M:Really? So when did you take up the sport?

  R:Around two years ago I began to realize that if I could get on thegolf course with other senior executives, it could open a lot of doors for me.At first I didn't really enjoy it, but now I'm almost a golf fanatic.

  Robert要跟纽约办公室的高层主管打高尔夫play a few rounds,同时讨论并购的事。Mark 问他是什么时候开始打高尔夫球的,这里用的动词是take up, to take up sth. 意思是开始做某件事情。Robert说,他两年前开始觉得,打高尔夫could open a lot of doors for me. 可以帮助自己打开很多大门,得到更多机会。Robert说,他刚开始打的时候也不太喜欢,但现在已经快变成golf fanatic 了。fanatic is spelled f-a-n-a-t-i-c, fanatic 是指对某件事疯狂的人,比如,a jazz fanatic 爵士乐迷,a basketball fanatic 篮球迷。Mark 听后说

  M:I see. So you meet a lot of business executives on the course, huh?

  R:Yeah, definitely. It's a good way to network.

  M:Isn't golf really expensive?

  R:To be perfectly honest, golf is a bit of a status symbol...andyes...it can be an expensive game. There are green fees, caddy fees and chargesfor renting the golf cart.

  M:But the business opportunities are worth it.

  R:Absolutely. I read somewhere that a high percentage of seniorbusiness executives play golf.

  M:It sounds like it's almost mandatory to learn golf if you want toclimb the corporate ladder.

  Robert说自己在高尔夫球场上能遇到很多商业界高层主管。这里说的on the course 指的就是golf course. It's a good way to network. 打高尔夫球是认识人,积累人脉的好办法,network在这里是动词,意思是建立人际关系。打高尔夫球确实需要钱,要交greenfees球场费;caddy fees球童费,cart rental fees 租车费,但是能认识更多的人,得到更多机会,还是值得的。Mark说,看来,如果想在企业里升迁climb the corporateladder 就必须学打高尔夫球。

  R:Networking is a big plus....but I think another reason executivesenjoy the golf course is that it gives them an excuse to get out in the freshair and connect with nature.

  M:I can understand that. If you turn off your cell phone orBlackberry you can hear birds chirping and enjoy a fresh breeze. It's a nicebreak from a hectic office.

  R:It is a good way to recharge, but you're right: golf primarily is asocial sport. You get a chance to talk and get to know people on a differentlevel on the golf course than you do in the boardroom.

  公司高层愿意出去打高尔夫球,除了建立人脉以外,也是为了能离开hectic office 忙碌的办公室,投入大自然的怀抱,It's a good way to recharge. 是个充电的好办法。Robert 觉得,高尔夫主要还是一种social sport 社交型运动,让你在董事会议事厅以外,换个环境,换个层面,在高尔夫球场上去彼此了解。

  以上就是为大家整理的“商务口语积累:Taking up Golf 什么时候学会高尔夫的?(上)”,希望帮助大家更好的提升商务口语能力,更多精彩内容敬请关注本频道的持续更新!

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    来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:34:00 关键字 : 商务口语

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    来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:34:00 关键字 : 商务口语

  • 商务英语口语实用900句:一路顺风(1)


    来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:34:00 关键字 : 商务口语
