Solving a problem with bonusesA: Grant? Can we talk about this bonus plan of yours? I’ve got a few problems with it.B: Sure, Richard. What’s on your...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Clarifying some tasksA: I’m not sure what you expect me to do, Michelle. You’ve not been very clear about any of this.B: I’m sorry, Clint. Maybe I...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
A delayed lunch orderA: Hello! We’ve been waiting for our lunch order for over an hour. Did you forget our order?B: I’m sorry, sir. Could you tell ...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Taking too long of a breakA: Greg. I want to speak to you for a minute.B: Yes. Ms. Gray. Is there something wrong?A: I’m afraid there is, Greg. I ...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Problems with taking creditA: Mary? I’d like to talk to you for a second, please.B: Okay, Mark, What’s up?A: I’d like to know why you’re always ta...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
A different opinionA: Blake! I have to talk to you!B: What, Hilary? I’m really in a hurry!A: I know, Blake. But you’ve been avoiding me all morning,...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Angry over a change in plansA: Susan! Why didn’t you tell me that you were taking over the Silk Company account?B: I thought you knew, Todd. It was...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Unveiling a disagreementA: John? I have to ay I was bothered by the way you handled the meeting today.B: How so? I thought it went fine.A: I think i...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Bad file organizationA: Where’s the James’s file, Christine?B: I had it right here a minute ago, Mr. Emory. Umm. Just a minute…A: Christine, I know ...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Lunch invitationA: John Martin.B: Hi. John, it’s Emily. How’s everything?A: Great, thanks. What’s up?B: Oh, I was just thinking about getting a bite t...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Calling for a day offA: Hello, Mr. Compton? This is Susan Miller.B: Hi, Susan. What can I do for you?A: I’d like to take tomorrow off if that’s al...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Getting a ride after workA: Good morning, Personnel. May I help you?B: Hi, could I speak to Nancy please?A: This is she. Paul?B: Yeah, it’s me. Can ...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Wrong departmentA: Good morning. Macmillan and Emory. May I help you?B: Is this the accounting department?A: No, I’m sorry. You’ve reached Mr. Macmillan...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Inquiring about progressA: Good afternoon. Jason Emory speaking.B: Hi, Jason. It’s Elizabeth Montgomery. Have you got those plans drawn up yet?A: Yeah. T...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
Clarifying final details A: This is what my boss is expecting, Sandy. He wants a detailed list of expenses and equipment costs.B: That’s going to take...
来源 : 网络 02月21日 19:02 关键字 : 办公室英语口语
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 3 ¥1
课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 19 ¥49
课时 : 2 ¥29
课时 : 5 ¥89
课时 : 20 ¥89
课时 : 6 ¥79
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 26:58 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 3:54 主讲 : 金格妃
时长 : 41:28 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 36:53 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 17:47 主讲 : 魏大伟
时长 : 28:19 主讲 : 郎玉萍
时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁