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原文:So what determines the level of GDP, and hence also ties down the interest rate? The answer is that you need to add “liquidity preference”, the supply and demand for money. In the modern world, we often take a shortcut and just assume that the central bank adjusts the money supply so as to achieve a target interest rate, in effect choosing a point on the IS curve.
点评:为了理解这一段, 需要复习一下IS-LM 分析。 这个分析所处的空间是以利率R为纵轴,国民产出Y为横轴的, 并假设无通货膨胀,价格P不变(所以实际国民产出小于充分就业产出,凯恩斯理论可适用)。 请参考中级宏观教科书。
实体经济方面, 当货物市场的供求均衡时, 凯恩斯理论指出, 投资必等于储蓄。 Investment =saving. 将所有这些均衡点连起来,则有IS曲线。 此曲线从左上向右下倾斜。 Y 越大, R越小。 何以? 当Y增加, 凯恩斯理论指出, 储蓄必增。 而在可贷资金市场上,储蓄增表现为资金供给曲线向右移动,给定资金需求曲线不动, 均衡利率R将下降。
货币市场上, 货币需求(L),( 又称liquidity preference, )与货币供给 (M), (又称money supply ) 的均衡点, 连接起来,形成LM曲线。 这条曲线从左下向右上倾斜。 Y 越大, R 越大。 何以? 当Y 增加, 货币需求必增。 在货币供给不变的情况下,利率R将增大,以平衡这种需求。 这条LM曲线本身则会随着货币供给的增、减而向右、左移动。
因此, 货物市场和货币市场都均衡的点必是IS和LM相交的点。 该点确定了均衡的利率R和均衡的产出Y。
有了以上背景知识, 这一段就容易译了。
改译:那么, 究竟是什么确定了GDP的水平, 并因此也决定(tie down)了利率?答案是,你还得(在IS曲线外加进一条LM曲线)加进“流动性偏好”, 也就是货币的供求。 (形式上, liquidity preference 与 the supply and demand for money 是同位语关系。)在现代世界里,我们(无需将整条LM曲线加进)常常可以走捷径,只需假设央行可以调节货币供给从而锁定利率, 这从实际效果而言(in effect)就相当于在IS曲线上, 选定一点。
2)desired: 需求的,想要取得的,理想的,要去锁定的
原译:As shown above, the interest rate the Fed would like to have is negative. That’s not just what I say, by the way: the FT reports that the Fed’s own economists estimate the desired Fed funds rate at -5 percent.
点评:The interest rate the Fed would like to have=the desired Fed funds rate.
Desired 不等于expected. Desired 是想要取得的, 理想的, 要去锁定的。 而expected 才是期望的。
>>> 小议英汉翻译时的对应问题
原文:So what does government borrowing do? It gives some of those excess savings a place to go — and in the process expands overall demand, and hence GDP. It does NOT crowd out private spending, at least not until the excess supply of savings has been sopped up, which is the same thing as saying not until the economy has escaped from the liquidity trap.
点评:Expands overall demand, and hence GDP. GDP 也是动词expands 的宾语。
It does NOT crowd out private spending. 这里的it指的是上文的government borrowing.
Excess supply of savings has been sopped up: 储蓄过度供给被吸取净尽。
改译:那么, 政府借钱会起什么作用? 这会给某些过剩的储蓄开辟一条出路——并在这个过程中扩大全面的需求, 从而也增加GDP。政府借钱不会对私人支出产生挤出效应, 至少在储蓄过度供给被吸取净尽之前不会, 这也就等于说, 至少在整个经济还没从流动性陷阱挣脱之前不会。
原文:Now, there are real problems with large-scale government borrowing — mainly, the effect on the government debt burden. I don’t want to minimize those problems; some countries, such as Ireland, are being forced into fiscal contraction even in the face of severe recession. But the fact remains that our current problem is, in effect, a problem of excess worldwide savings, looking for someplace to go.
改译:不过,政府大规模的借钱确实会造成问题——主要是政府债务负担加重。 我在此并不想对这些问题只作轻描淡写,一笔带过;有些国家,如爱尔兰,即使面临严重的经济衰退, 还是被迫实行财政紧缩。 可是, 这都改变不了这样一个现实(the fact remains that ): 我们目前所面临的问题实际上是全球储蓄过剩、必得找到一条出路的问题。
>>> 名师总结英文写作“黄金三定律”
5)playing dress-up: 穿着别人的衣服玩
原文:Memories. My mother now suffers from Parkinson's disease and is mentally and physically incapacitated. I am so grateful for the simple but meaningful times we shared when I was growing up, from making cupcakes for my father's birthday when I was five to playing dress-up in her too-big clothes and donning her frosted, 1970s wigs. Every little detail that is stamped in my memory helps me smile and appreciate the incredible mother she is and the life she gave me. --Jennifer Kopec-McLaughlin, Mountain Top, Pennsylvania
Playing dress-up: 把他人的衣服穿着玩。 吴莹词典p375.
Frosted wigs: 因年代久远而变白了的假发。
6)drop off clothes:捐衣物
原文:My mom taught me the importance of volunteerism. All through my youth, my single mother was involved in numerous community-service organizations. I have vivid memories of dropping off clothes at the battered women's shelter and being a buddy at the annual county Special Olympics. I know her volunteerism has touched not only my life but those of countless others as well. --Cindi Gambardella, Kansas City, Missouri
Battered women’s shelter: 为保护受虐妇女而设立的避难所。
Drop off clothes at the shelter: 把捐献的衣服交到避难所去
>>> 英语写作复杂思维表达三段论
7)a sprinkling of snow: 一阵如撒盐的细雪
原文:My mother always had a sense of wonderment. The color of a leaf, a sprinkling of snow, the smell of hot soup -- she found the greatest pleasure in everyday things. -- Nancy Bradford, Houston, Texas
The color of a leaf: 一片树叶的颜色
A sprinkling of snow: 一阵如撒盐的细雪
8) 一段逻辑分析
原文:My mother died when I was six, so she'll never know the incredible gift she gave me.
评论:事情发生在母亲死后, 所以她永远无法知道她死后我用她生前所开立的退休账户的钱买了我所需的小提琴 这个不可思议的礼物。
改译:我六岁时母亲去世了, 所以她永远无法知道她所给我的那个不可思议的礼物。
9)take up :开始
Take up the fiddle: 原译:拾起了小提琴。 改译: 开始拉小提琴。
10) call to say: 打电话说
原文:About that time, my aunt called to say that she had found out about a retirement account my mother had begun before her death.
评论: call to say: 打电话说。
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每天分享一篇中英双语美文,对英语口语的练习很有帮助,也是积累英语考试中写作,翻译素材的好资料,加油吧! 1 Without you,I& 39
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每天分享一篇中英双语美文,对英语口语的练习很有帮助,也是积累英语考试中写作,翻译素材的好资料,加油吧! Already run one mi
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每天分享一篇中英双语美文,对英语口语的练习很有帮助,也是积累英语考试中写作,翻译素材的好资料,加油吧! Dear son 孩子:
来源 : 网络 2021-07-31 17:41:00 关键字 : 双语美文
每天分享一篇中英双语美文,对英语口语的练习很有帮助,也是积累英语考试中写作,翻译素材的好资料,加油吧! Sometimes I really
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