
2011-07-18 00:00:00来源:新东方

  A 计划:一本英文小说 
  英语阅读材料中,最简单的是专业文章,其次是新闻,最难的是小说。我大学花了半年多时间就可以毫不费力地读懂纽约时报,但是直到大学毕业2年才能勉强读完Da Vinci Code(达·芬奇密码)。但是真的读完一本几百页的小说,带来的成就感是读几篇文章难以比拟的。
  关于摘抄,以前我写过相关的文章。比如我用一个礼拜时间读完了Sophie Kinsella的购物狂系列书。读的过程中摘抄了大量的美词美句,这对我的写作有非常大的提高。详见http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c28b9ce0100h3ik.html 
  另外 “sex and the city”一书中也有大量的美句,都值得摘抄,比如 :
  1 Women are incredibly smart, they travel, they pay taxes, they'll spend 400 bucks on a pair of Manolo Blahnik strappy sandals
  2 I left feeling powerful, potent and incredibly alive- nothing and no one could get in my way
  3 Women fall into one of two categories-beautiful and boring, or homely and interesting.
  4 tend to have the kind of deluded self-confidence that caused men like Ross Perot to run for president; tend to live an empty, haunted life of stunted adolescence; tend to always order two eggs Benedict and one spinach omelet.
  5 What's the feeling of wearing patchouli in a room full of chanel?
  6 Being beautiful is like having a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park, completely unfair and bestowed upon those who deserve it least. But, but beauty is fleeting, while the rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park is forever
  7 There are so many damn gorgeous men out there in this city, but after a while, you just want to be with the one who makes you laugh.
  8 He was like the flesh and blood equivalent of a DKNY dress
  9 They started out casual, a brunch here, a movie there. They decided to pick a time to bump into each other on purpose. He had his big three-looks, manners and
  10 Men in their 40's are like the New York Times crossword puzzle, tricky, complicated, and you are never sure you've got the right answer. Just like the new designed drug. when they lay like that, they have the cutest little wrinkles on their neck. Almost uncomfortably handsome
  11 I decided the way to break free was to move from one addiction to an even bigger one-shoes. I walked 50 blocks in 200 dollars shoes. I am so broke, i have this little substance abust problem-expensive footwear
  12 Where is the line between professional girlfriend and just plain professional?

本文关键字: 暑期英语提高方法



