
2012-04-12 00:00:00来源:21英语网

  The book (and movie) of The Hunger Games are what’s called dystopian fiction. A story set, usually in the future, in a society where conditions are dreadful.

  Think of the word utopia: an idealized place or state where everything is perfect.

  Well, dystopia is the direct opposite: a society in which life is nasty, short and brutish.

  Recently there has been a flood of modern dystopian fiction for children and young adults. Maximum Ride (a genetic experiment on human-bird hybrids) was by James Patterson and Divergent (a future society divided into five factions, and teens must choose which one to devote themselves to) was written by Veronica Roth.
  近来,面向儿童、青少年群体的现代乌托邦科幻小说大量涌现出来。詹姆斯 帕特森的《极速飞行》讲述了一个关于人鸟杂交基因实验的故事,而在维罗尼卡 罗斯的小说《分歧者》中,未来社会分为了五个派系,青少年们必须选择加入其中之一。

  Why are these grim books so popular? Lucy Mangan writes a blog for the Guardian newspaper’s website.
  为何这些内容阴暗的书籍会如此大受欢迎?露西 曼格在《卫报》的新闻网站上发表了一篇博客。

  She said: “These stories present worlds full of cowed populations, tyrannical governments, post-nuclear, devastated, war-torn landscapes, corrupt elites, weaponized viruses and other associated horrors that ask how we would function in extreme situations, and test what it means to be human.”

  Mangan suggests that dystopian fiction is popular because it speaks of the experience of being a teenager today, such as facing a school bully, peer pressures or even campus violence, albeit in an extreme version.

  She goes on: “Teenagers live with a wide and perpetual unease. Apocalyptic but coherent, resolvable narratives are handbooks for mental survival.”

  Paulo Bacigalupi, an award winning novelist for young adults, writes in the opinion pages of The New York Times website: “I suspect that young adults crave stories of broken futures because they themselves are uneasily aware that their world is falling apart.”
  成功青少年作家保罗 巴其加卢比在《纽约时报》网站上的评论版块表示:“我怀疑年轻人们之所以会热衷于这类讲述失落未来的故事,是因为他们不安地意识到自己的世界正在崩塌。”

  The planet we inhabit suffers a loss of biodiversity, the depletion of cheap and easily accessible energy and the hazards of global warming. “Our children will inherit a world significantly depleted and damaged in comparison to the one our parents handed down to us,” warns Bacigalupi.

  You can find classic examples of dystopian fiction in comics, short stories, novels, cartoons and movies. In the American comic book story Batman: the Dark Knight Returns (later filmed), the caped crusader returns to a dystopian Gotham City populated by fearful citizens and run by corrupt politicians and gangsters. The movie franchise Mad Max, which made Mel Gibson famous, is set in a dystopian Australia gripped by energy starvation. In a world where man’s precious resource, petroleum, is depleted after an oil war, civilization is in meltdown. There is no law and order and motorcycle gangs terrorize the country.
  在漫画,长短篇小说,卡通动画以及电影中,你都可以找到反乌托邦式科幻的典型代表。在美国漫画《蝙蝠侠:暗夜骑士归来》中(该漫画稍后被改编成电影),这位身披斗篷的战士回到了反乌托邦式的哥谭市,市中到处是惊恐的市民,整座城市被腐败的政治家和恶霸们统治着。梅尔 吉布森的成名作——《疯狂的麦克斯》系列影片背景也设定于一个饱受资源紧缺困扰的、反乌托邦式的澳大利亚。一场石油战争之后,人类的这一宝贵资源几近枯竭,文明土崩瓦解。世间没有法律和秩序,只有飞车党横行霸道。

  Dystopian novels also reveal teenagers’ fear about entering the adult world, which involves brutal competition.

  The spectacle of young people being hunted to the death in The Hunger Games as a form of public entertainment is barbaric.

  But think of the Roman empire. Bloodthirsty crowds watched captured prisoners, slaves, and gladiators fight to the death in the Coliseum in Rome and in amphitheaters in cities throughout the empire.

  The only difference is The Hunger Games are for a TV audience.

本文关键字: 反乌托邦
