In the Morning
清晨时分Wake up earlier than you think you need to on your first day—even if you"re convinced you can be up and out the door in 15 minutes, today is not the day to test that theory. Not only should you plan to show up to the office a little early, you'll also want some extra time to swipe on lipstick and make sure your bag is stocked with all the essentials.
即使你觉得自己从起床到出门只需要花十五分钟,但上班第一天早上,还是该起得早一点,毕竟今天不是让你用来验证这个理论的一天。你不但应该提前到达办公室,而且还应给自己留点时间,用来涂点唇膏,还有确保包包里已经放好了所有必需的物品。HR probably told you about the office dress code when you accepted the job, but if you're not sure, err on the conservative side. Yes, I know you want to be memorable, but save the funky jewelry and avocado-green tights for a day when you aren't meeting dozens of new people. You can't go wrong with a knee-length skirt, black pumps, and a cardigan.
在录用你的时候,人事部的同事可能已经告知过你办公室的穿衣法则了,但如果你还是不太确定该怎么穿,保守一点总是没错的。我知道你想要给人留下深刻的印象,但在这一天你不会碰到很多很多的人,所以还是收起你那些时髦的珠宝首饰和你那条鳄梨绿色的紧身裤吧。一条及膝的裙子,黑色的浅口鞋和一件羊毛衫总是不会出错的。Leave your house with enough time to arrive to your office 15 minutes early—you'll need time to navigate an unfamiliar route and deal with any surprise traffic jams, not to mention figure out where to park and how to find your new desk. You can always grab a donut or calm your jitters with a little Katy Perry sing-a-long in the car if you have extra time.
出门的时间,则要保证能让你提前十五分钟到达办公室。因为找到一条你不熟悉的线路,意想不到的堵车,都是需要花时间的,更不用说找到停车的地方和你新办公桌的位置了。你可以带上一个甜甜圈,或者如果你还有多出来的时间,你也可以在车里哼上一段凯蒂 佩里的歌来舒缓紧张的情绪。At the Office
办公时间At the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, be extra-professional on your first day at work—even if your office seems super laid-back. This means keeping your cell phone on silent and put away—nobody wants to hear your LMFAO ring tone every time your mom calls to see how work is going. Plus, chatting on the phone on your first day (or your first week, for that matter) is completely off-limits. Even if you hear other co-workers answering personal calls left and right, doing it when you're the new girl seems presumptuous and can rub your co-workers and supervisors the wrong way.
你的身边难免会有些喜欢明知故问的人,为避免他们说闲话,即使你的工作再怎么清闲,上班的第一天你还是应该表现得特别专业。这意味着你该把手机调到静音模式放在一旁,因为没人愿意听到你妈妈来电关心你工作进展时响起的LMFAO的手机铃声。此外,在你上班的第一天(或第一周),打电话聊天也是禁止的(理由同上)。就算你听见身边别的同事都在接私人电话而窃窃私语也不行。因为当你还是一个新人时,这么做会让你显得太过放肆,甚至可能惹怒你的同事和主管。Along the same lines, avoid any online shopping or instant messaging until you know the office internet rules and have gotten a feel for the workplace culture.
同样的道理,不要上网购物或收发即时短信,直到你掌握了办公室的上网规则并已融入了这个办公室的文化氛围中。Getting to Know You
自我介绍There's no better time to channel your inner extrovert than on your first day at work. Say hello to everyone that passes by your desk—smile, introduce yourself and ask about their role at the company. If you're awful at remembering names, try to repeat the other person's name within the first few seconds of conversation. It sounds cheesy, but it'll help cement the name in your memory.
上班第一天是你把自己的内心外向的一面展示给大家的绝好机会。跟每个从你桌边走过的人打声招呼。微笑,介绍你自己,并询问他们在公司里担任哪个职位。如果你觉得要记住每个人的名字很烦,那试着在对话刚开始的那几秒重复对方的名字。我知道这听上去有点俗,但对于帮你记住别人的名字有很大作用。One of the best opportunities to get to know your co-workers is lunchtime. At many companies, it's traditional to take new employees out to lunch on the first day. This is a great chance to meet other employees and show them that you're friendly and approachable.
了解同事的最好时机是午饭时间。在很多公司里,新人第一天来上班会被带着和大家一起吃午饭是一种传统。这是你认识其他新职员的好机会,而且能让他们感受到你的友好与随和。Wrapping Up the Day
总结全天Even if your workday ends at 5, linger a little longer. Finish up any paperwork from HR, take notes about what you learned (including all those names that you're bound to forget come tomorrow), and write down questions you have for the next day. Not being the first one out the door shows your co-workers that you're there to learn, not just to collect a paycheck.
即使你五点就该下班了,但最好还是留久一点。认真填完人事部给你的表格,把今天学到的东西都记下来(包括那些你明天肯定会忘记的人名),写下第二天要问的问题。这样等于是在告诉你的同事你来这里不仅仅是为了工资,你是来学东西的。Congratulations! You've officially survived (and thrived!) on your first day of work. Head home, take off those heels and pat yourself on the back. You're well on your way to being a star employee.
恭喜!你已经顺利渡过了你上班的头一天了(而且你正在成长)!回到家,脱掉高跟鞋,好好给自己敲敲背。你正朝着明星雇员迈进呢!本文关键字: 新职员
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 3 ¥1
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课时 : 2 ¥9.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
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课时 : 20 ¥89
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时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
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时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
来源 : 网络 2024-10-16 08:48:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-16 08:48:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-16 08:48:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-16 08:48:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-16 08:48:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:49:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:49:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:49:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:49:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语
来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:49:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语