
2012-04-23 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  On Oct. 4, 2011 Apple Inc. unveiled its long-awaited new iPhone 4S, just one day before the death of its co-founder Steve Jobs. The centerpiece of the new device is the "virtual assistant" feature, Siri, which is designed to comprehend a broad range of instructions in natural language. For example, when asked "Do I need a raincoat today?" the device will respond, "It sure looks like rain today."

  2011年10月4日,苹果公司发布了大众期待已久的iPhone 4S手机。就在发布会之后的第二天,苹果公司的创始人之一史蒂夫 乔布斯与世长辞。这款新手机最出彩的地方是设计了一位“虚拟助理”,名为Siri。Siri能理解广泛的、用自然的语言表达的指令。比如说,有人问一台iPhone 4S:“我今天需要带雨衣吗?”手机会回答说:“今天看起来是要下雨的样子。”

  Millions of iPhone 4S users are fascinated with the voice recognition and talking assistant, which can answer questions, make suggestions and get things done for owners, such as calling people, setting reminders, dictating SMS, looking for weather forecasts and stock information, searching maps, etc.

  这位语音助手问世之后,成百上千万的iPhone 4S手机用户都为之神魂颠倒。它不但可以答疑解惑,而且还会提出建议;无论是拨打电话、提醒日程安排、录入短信、查找天气预报和股票信息,还是搜索地图,只要一声令下,Siri都能够为主人搞定。

  Some creative iPhone owners have asked Siri questions about almost everything, from the meaning of life, to religion, love and even sex. To their surprise, Siri has given some quite smart answers.


  According to Apple Inc., Siri now understands and can speak English, French and German. In 2012, it will support five additional languages, including Chinese.

  苹果公司宣布,目前Siri只支持英、法、德三种语言的语音识别和输出。而到了2012年, Siri的应用将扩展到另外五种语言,其中就包括中文。

  See some of Siri"s most entertaining answers to user questions here.


  Master: Who are you?

  Siri: I'm Siri. But enough about me... how can I help you?

  Master: How old are you?

  Siri: I'm not allowed to answer that question.

  Master: Where are you from?

  Siri: Like it says on the box... I was designed by Apple in California.

  Master: Are you human?

  Siri: Does it matter?

  Master: Are you gay?

  Siri: We were talking about you, not me.

  Master: What do you look like?

  Siri: In the cloud, no one cares what you look like.

  Master: What are you wearing?

  Siri: Aluminosilicate glass and stainless steel. Nice, huh?

  Master: Why are you so awesome?

  Siri : I just am.


  主人 :你是谁?

  Siri :我是Siri。有关我的话题就到此为止吧。有什么我能为你效劳的?

  主人 :你多少岁了?

  Siri :我未获许可回答这个问题。

  主人 :你从哪里来?

  Siri :就像包装盒上写的……我来自加利福尼亚,由苹果公司设计。

  主人 :你是人类吗?

  Siri :是不是又有什么关系?

  主人 :你是同性恋吗?

  Siri :我们要说的是你,而不是我。

  主人 :你长什么模样?

  Siri :身在云世界,长相也只是浮云。

  主人 :你身上穿着什么?

  Siri :硅铝酸盐玻璃面板和不锈钢外套。漂亮吧?

  主人 :你为什么这么给力?

  Siri :天生如此。    

  主人 :你能帮我杀个人吗?

  Siri :我找到了三家心理健康机构,就在离你很近的地方。

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本文关键字: Siri
