
2012-07-16 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  It is not often the plans of a Japanese company president remind you of the slogans of Chinese dictator Mao Zedong.
  But two of the most important strategies of Kazuhiro Tsuga – newly charged with turning round Panasonic– are uncannily reminiscent of slogans coined by the late Communist party chairman.
  但松下(Panasonic)新任总裁、担负扭亏重任的津贺一宏(Kazuhiro Tsuga)的两个最重要战略,却奇怪地让人想起这位已故中共领导人创造的口号。
  First, there is "Bombard the Headquarters" – the words with which Mao in 1966 declared war on a party core he saw as an obstacle to leftist revolution.
  The personable Mr Tsuga is not about to unleash a horde of fanatical Red Guards against Panasonic's HQ in the western city of Osaka – but nor is he pulling punches. He readily seconds the view of a former president of the electronics group who accuses HQ staff of ignorance of the "importance of added value" and of being "preoccupied with internal negotiations". He also plans radically to restructure and to recategorise, with most HQ functions being distributed to business units or simply removed.
  "Currently the headquarters employ about 7,000 people," says Mr Tsuga, who became Panasonic president last month. "We are trying to minimise it to several hundred."
  " Then there is Mao's 1957 instruction to China: "Let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend" – a line of classical poetry the Great Helmsman turned into a call for progress by means of freer thinking by intellectuals and scientists.
  Mr Tsuga, who has degrees in bioengineering and computer science, is less metaphorical than Mao – and convincingly denies seeing the chairman as an inspiration. But he too hopes to lead a flowering of creative thinking and competitive instincts at Panasonic's nearly 90 business units.
  Under his plan to cultivate "autonomous responsible management", units generating healthy profits will be left largely alone. But those with operating profits of less than 5 per cent will come under the slimline HQ's scrutiny and will be forced to demonstrate how they can recover.
  The idea is to re-energise a company Mr Tsuga himself likens to a cluster of small- and medium-sized enterprises. To survive, units must show they can find their own way: "They should compete with each other."
   Whether these new approaches work matters not only to Panasonic, its 330,000 employees and its shareholders – who have seen the company's shares slide from more than Y2,800 in 2005 to only Y610 yesterday.
  Success would also offer desperately needed inspiration for an electronics sector that was Japan's pride – but which is battered by US, South Korean and Chinese rivals.
  Further affected by slowing overseas demand, a rising yen and natural disaster, the sector has been awash with red ink.
  Panasonic's net loss of Y772bn for the year to March was the biggest in its 94-year history. Sony suffered its own record annual loss of Y457bn. Sharp set a company low by losing Y376bn.
  Mr Tsuga says Panasonic is already on track for a "V-shaped recovery". And he is surely right to reject its past approach of seeking higher profits from larger sales, particularly of TVs – an increasingly commoditised product area which high-cost Japan used to dominate but in which it now struggles.
  However, some observers doubt Mr Tsuga's confidence that a smaller TV business can be put back in the black.
  His strategy has other challenges. One is it relies on changing how managers think: making them more profit-conscious; more self-reliant; and more aware of developments outside their silos. Mao could wash brains by means of mass-struggle sessions, but Mr Tsuga must use gentler tactics. Tinkering with seniority-based pay is one option, but details are scarce. "We need to discuss how we can realise such profit-oriented, performance-based remuneration," he says.
  " To devolve power and to diversify also carry risks, although Mr Tsuga points out that focusing on the wrong things – such as TVs – merely caused bigger losses. Instead of focus, he intends to redefine businesses in reference to the customers they serve, with an overarching emphasis on "green" products.
  Failure of past Japanese electronics turnround plans means investors ought to be sceptical. Panasonic has recently fallen short of the utopian dreams of founder Konosuke Matsushita, who thought manufactured goods should be as plentiful and cheap as tap water.
  鉴于日本电器企业过去的扭亏计划均以失败告终,投资者理应抱着怀疑的态度。松下近来已经偏离了松下幸之助(Konosuke Matsushita)的乌托邦梦想,这位创始人认为,经由制造的商品应该就像自来水一样,充足、便宜。
  Yet Mr Tsuga will surely do better than Mao, whose hundred flowers campaign degenerated into a leftist crackdown and whose HQ bombardment deepened the chaos of the Cultural Revolution. Unlike the late chairman, Panasonic's new president is at least trying to go in the right direction.

本文关键字: 司令部
