
2012-08-08 00:00:00来源:新东方网



  John:本届奥运会开幕式已经确定以莎士比亚的《暴风雨》为主题,贯穿着浓厚的英伦文化。开幕式由曾经执导《贫民窟里的百万富翁》的导演Danny Boyle来一手策划,会有很多展现英伦传统的构思,我确信这将会是一个令人惊讶的开幕式。唯一可惜的是,中国的朋友要看开幕式比较不容易,大家必须要熬夜才能看开幕式的直播,因为开幕式的时间在中国会很晚。



John:We demonstrate to our people that everyone has opportunities to feel the Olympic Game. For instance, our torches of the Olympic Game are decorated with 8000 little holes which mean the number of the torching relays. We demonstrate 95% of our population will run with the torches and everyone has a chance to watch the torches passingshow. This plays an important part of the Olympic Game because it will reveal diverse sceneries of Britain.

















Q: If you can go back to Britain to watch 2012 London Olympic Game, which part of the opening ceremony you expect the most? Which game you expect the most? Which events do you think Britain will win the gold medal?John: I think the sports I most interested in and most excited to watch would be things like the hundred meters and the hundred and ten meters hurdles. Well, I hope LiuXiang will do very well, I'm sure he has a very good chance and he was very unlucky last year at world championships, this year could be the year for him. And I think swimming could be really exciting as well and diving, too. I saw the world championships at the Water Cube couple of months ago. And all the Chinese divers won everything so I think that's gonna be lot's of gold medals for China. But for Britain I think our most lively areas for success will probably sailing. British are very strong at sailing. As you expect from a nation that has a lot of coast lines and has a very long tradition of sailing, and rowing tends to be another one. And I think maybe football. I've got a feeling this year, the football team, it's the first time the great Britain has put a football team in the mix. So we have not just the English players but English, Walsh, northern-Irish as well. So we might have good chance I think. And Ryan Giggs is the new captain of the British team. He is a really good player. So I think that could be a surprise for people.





  ——北京新东方外国语学校通讯社小记者:林心晴 孙婧

  Q: As we all know, in the present-day society, penetration of the Chinese culture in the world has an increasingly world wide. So, in your view, how to disseminate and popularize the Chinese culture in the UK?

  John: I think China is more open and use an open altitude towards the world, making the world understand the world better. Such as Chinese music, culture and the Chinese people. Now in the UK, there is few people don't know Jackie Chan, such a celebrity in China. It represents people with Chinese characteristic or elements in the UK spread widely and promote the development of Chinese culture in the UK. Thank you!



Q: There are lots of good football players in the UK, like Beckham and Rooney. But the Chinese football industrial is not so developed, so could you please give us some suggestion for Chinese football team?John: I guess there are two things. Frist thing is that English football even did not develop overnight , the Britain has long history for ball. And lots of people participate in the football, and many clubs allow young children play sports not only the football, but also for any sports, to allow people take time to play sports, and practice is really a good way. And the second thing is learn from any other country, and in fact that, I think, there are many Chinese football players in the UK, and Europe, like SujiHai, and ZengZhi. So I think the more Chinese football players come to UK even other countries, more they would learn from other countries.



Q: We all know that British are gentle-like and always say ‘Lady first’, but nowadays, with the women status improvement, some people think it’s a kind of gender discrimination while others think it’s good manner. What’s your opinion about this? Can you share with us?John: I think it’s not a bad thing to be known as a nation with good manners. I think it’s important because women play the same roles as men in the society. In Britain, we are very committed to equal rights for women and man. But I don’t think there’s a contradiction between being polite and growing women society. It’s important to recognize women have an equal role and can make an equally contribution. But at the same time, I think it’s important to be glam, not just women, to be everybody, and to demonstrate the sorts ofbehavior that bring people together.It’s a good thing to see the country is generally polite and friendly. And I think people will understand that Britain is a very welcoming place which loves to have even more tourists to come to U.K and more students to study in the universities. Chinese students now make up the largest number of foreign students in the U.K In people’s mind, British people are quite reserved and unfriendly, but when people have the opportunity to go to U.K, they will see it’s a very welcoming country.

本文关键字: JohnGallagher
