When there seems to be a new cute kitten gaining YouTube fame each week, it's tough to stand out from the cat crowd.
每周都会有一只新的小猫在YouTube 上赢得关注,所以对于喵星人来说,想出名其实很难啊。
But that's certainly not a problem for Venus – the ‘two-faced' cat who is the internet star du jour.
但这对于Venus 来说看来不是问题,这只“双面猫”成为了近日网络明星。
The feline's face is perfectly divided in two – one half is jet black while the other is calico. And, as if this wasn't enough, her eyes are different colours too – one is ice blue, the other is green.
Venus is known as a chimera cat because of her genetic composition and her different eye colours are caused by heterochromia.
Venus 因其特殊的基因构成被认为是一只合体猫,而她不同颜色的眼睛则是由异色症造成。
Venus has several YouTube videos which have been seen about 154,000 times with thousands clicking the 'like' button.
Venus 在YouTube 上有几个点击率15万次的视频,数千人点了“赞”。
Unsurprisingly, Venus now has her own Facebook page too where she has attracted more than 22,000 fans.
所以我们毫不吃惊的发现,Venus 现在在Facebook上也有她自己的主页,并吸引了2万2千名粉丝。
However, Venus is learning that world-wide fame has its downsides too as she has been unfavourably likened to Harvey Dent, Batman's nemesis Two-Face.
然而Venus也认识到享誉世界的负面影响:她被比喻为Harvey Dent——蝙蝠侠的宿敌双面人。
Venus' proud owner describes her lovingly as a ‘gentle' and ‘perfect' pet with a deceptively big appetite.
‘As tiny as she is she likes to pick the giant pieces of food from the dog food bowl rather than eat her cat food,' the owner writes on Venus' Facebook page.
“尽管她还这么小,她却喜欢从狗粮中找大块的食物,却不吃她自己的猫粮。” Venus 的主人在她Facebook主页上写道。
本文关键字: 猫粮
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