
2012-12-19 00:00:00来源:可可英语

  Gossip Girl is none other than Lonely Boy, Dan Humphrey. Turns out “the ultimate insider” truly was the ultimate insider! In a shocking turn of events, when Dan was late bringing the flowers to Blair and Chuck’s nuptials, he overheard Blair bashing him, saying that “despite his years of trying” Dan would never be “one of them.” According to Blair, Dan could never overcome his Brooklyn roots, and that Serena could not end up with someone like him. Disgusted that this topic is still conversation after all these years, Dan gives his final chapter to Nate for publishing in The Specatator with the truth about Gossip Girl.

  In a flashback, we got to see the first time Dan and Serena first met at a party, and thus Dan was inspired to work his way into the "It" group, no matter what. And Gossip Girl was born...
  回顾一下,我们看到一开始丹和塞丽娜第一次见面是在一个聚会上,因此丹被激发他要努力进入 这一群体,无论如何。于是绯闻女孩诞生了……

  Remember that time Gossip Girl labeled all the Upper East Siders during high school graduation? Dan’s label was “The Ultimate Insider.” That should have been the biggest clue right there. And at the beginning of this season, when Gossip Girl said that Serena “was dead to me,” Dan had the exact same attitude towards her. Plus, the very first Gossip Girl blast was about Serena, when she made her comeback into the Upper East Side after her year at boarding school way back. Dan’s object of affection throughout the years: Serena van der Woodsen. He clearly had no qualms about releasing scandalous (true) stories about his friends (publishing his book, Inside). And as for all those GG blasts about Dan, even when the content was negative, he was gaining fame and notoriety when he had nothing to lose. For Dan, any press was good press.
  记得那次绯闻女孩在高中毕业时给所有上东区的贵族们的标签吗?丹的标签是“最终的局内人”。那应该一直是那时最大的线索。在这一季的开始绯闻女孩说瑟瑞娜“对我而言已经死了,”丹对她也是完全相同的态度。另外,绯闻女孩第一次爆出的消息是关于瑟瑞娜,当她在寄宿学校一年之后回归到上东区。丹这一整年的爱慕对象:Serena van der Woodsen。他显然不顾忌发布关于他朋友的丑闻(真实)故事(出版他的书,《 Inside》)。至于所有那些绯闻女孩爆出关于丹的消息时,即使内容负面,在他没什么可失去时他正收获名望和恶名。对于丹,任何新闻都是好新闻。

  Gossip Girl’s identity has been the biggest mystery of all, and yet, looking back at the series, it should have been obvious that Lonely Boy was the titular blogger. It could not have been anyone else. Bravo, Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, for keeping such a huge secret a secret, when it should have been the most obvious answer.

