
2012-12-29 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  "Best present ever': Husky that went missing in April is reunited with owner on Christmas Day after it was found 1,1000 MILES away.

  It's been a long, strange trip for Kane, a Husky who went missing from his owner's backyard in Phoenix, Arizona, in April and was found more than 1,100 miles away in Pendleton, Oregon. His journey ended on Christmas Day when he was reunited with his family at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

  'I couldn't ask for anything more, it's the best Christmas present ever,' owner Leanne Saunders told CBS News as she snuggled up to her nine-year-old pooch.
  主人Leanne Saunders紧紧依偎着9岁的狗狗对哥伦比亚广播公司说道:“这是我收到的最好的圣诞礼物,我别无他求。”

  Ms Saunders said she still has no idea how Kane disappeared from her home in Phoenix. And no one knows how he wound up three states away in northwestern Oregon. After eight months - the local humane society in Pendleton found him. They used his identity chip to track him back to Ms Saunders.

  On December 10, he was found walking down a neighborhood street in Pendleton, Oregon, with a leash attached, but no owner to be found, according to the East Oregonian newspaper. The Pendleton Animal Welfare shelter took Kane in and soon realized he had a radio chip with his owner's details. The only trouble: Ms Saunders had moved and changed her name since Kane went missing.

  But, Marcia Flemmer, the president of the animal shelter, said she couldn't give up. Finally, after several days of searching, she located Ms Saunders and sent her a photo of her lost dog. He arrived in Phoenix, into the loving arms of Ms Saunders in time for Christmas.
  但收容所负责人Marcia Flemmer表示自己不会放弃帮狗狗寻找主人。最终,经过几天的寻找,她找到了Saunders,并发了一张Kane的照片给她。Kane在圣诞节那天最终回到了Saunders充满爱的怀抱。

本文关键字: 失踪
