
2013-01-15 00:00:00来源:中国日报英语点津


  Steven Spielberg-directed political biopicLincolnis leading the Oscarrace this year with 12 nominations, while the Ang Lee-helmed Indian drama Life of Pibagged 11 nods on Thursday, including the best picture and director categories.

  The best picture category for the 85th Academy Awards is highly competitive this year, with nine films fighting for the golden statuette.

  Life of Pi, the survival story of an Indian boy lost in the ocean with a Bengal tiger, will fight closely with political dramas like Spielberg"s Lincoln, Ben Affleck's Argo, and Katheryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty, a film about themanhuntfor Osama bin Laden.

  The other films in the race for best picture are David O Russell's comedy Silver Linings Playbook, Tom Hooper's musical Les Miserables, Michael Haneke's Amour, Quentin Tarantino's civil-war set western Django Unchainedand Benh Zeitlin's Beasts of the Southern Wild.

  Taiwanese-American film-maker Lee, who chose an entirely Indian cast for Pi and shot some scenes in India, is in the race for the best director trophy with Spielberg, Russell, Haneke and Zeitlin.

  Pi, which starred Delhi-boy Suraj Sharma in the lead and noted actors such as Irrfan Khan, Tabu and Adil Hussain, also gained nominations in categories like cinematography, film editing, original score, orginal song (Pi's lullaby), production design, best adapted screenplay, visual effects, sound editing and sound mixing.

  Daniel Day-Lewis is leading in the best actor category for his widely-praised portrayal of the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln in the Reliance-DreamWorks produced Lincoln.

  The film follows Lincoln's struggle to abolish slavery as the country drifts into a civil war.

  The other contenders in the best actor category are Bradley Cooper for Silver Linings Playbook(also starring Indian actor Anupam Kher), Denzel Washington for Flight, Joaquin Phoenix for The Masterand Hugh Jackman for Les Miserables.

  85-year-old French actress Emmanuelle Riva is the oldest ever to be nominated in the best actress category.

  Riva plays a woman struggling with old age and death in Haneke's Amour.

  Jessica Chastain is also a strong contender for the best actress trophy this year for her role as a CIA agent in Zero Dark Thirty.

  She is facing competition from Silver Linings Playbookstar Jennifer Lawrence, and Naomi Watts from the Tsunami drama The Impossible.

  (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)

  本周四,斯蒂芬 斯皮尔伯格执导的政治人物传记片《林肯》在今年奥斯卡奖角逐中一马当先,斩获12项提名。而李安执导的印度电影《少年派》也将11项提名收入囊中,其中包括最佳影片奖和最佳导演奖。


  《少年派》讲述的是一个印度男孩与一只孟加拉虎在海上迷路后如何生存下来的故事。该片将与斯皮尔伯格的《林肯》、本 阿弗莱克的《逃离德黑兰》以及凯瑟琳 毕格罗的《猎杀本 拉登》等政治题材电影一决高下。《猎杀本 拉登》讲述的是追捕本 拉登的故事。

  同台争夺最佳影片提名的电影还有大卫 欧 拉塞尔的喜剧片《乌云背后的幸福线》、汤姆 胡珀的音乐电影《悲惨世界》、迈克尔 哈尼克的《爱》、昆丁 塔伦蒂诺的以美国内战为背景的西部片《解放的江哥》以及本 泽特林的《南国野兽》。


  《少年派》的主演为德里男孩苏拉杰 夏尔马,其他知名演员还有伊尔凡 可汗、塔布和阿迪尔 侯赛因。该片还获得了最佳摄影奖、最佳剪辑奖、最佳原创配乐奖、最佳原创歌曲奖(《少年派的摇篮曲》)、最佳艺术指导奖、最佳改编剧本奖、最佳视觉效果奖、最佳音效剪辑奖以及最佳音响效果奖等多项提名。

  丹尼尔 戴-刘易斯因在电影《林肯》中对美国第十六任总统亚伯拉罕 林肯所做的刻画而饱受好评,在最佳男演员奖角逐中遥遥领先。该片由印度信实娱乐公司与梦工厂电影公司联合制作。


  最佳男演员奖的其他竞争者还有《乌云背后的幸福线》的主演布莱德利 库珀(参演者还有印度演员阿努潘 凯尔)、《迫降航班》的主演丹泽尔 华盛顿、《大师》的主演杰昆 菲尼克斯及《悲惨世界》的主演休 杰克曼。

  85岁高龄的法国女演员艾曼纽丽 丽娃是有史以来年龄最大的最佳女演员奖提名获得者。


  杰西卡 查斯坦凭借在《猎杀本 拉登》中扮演的中情局特工角色,而成为今年最佳女演员奖的又一强劲争夺者。

  她的竞争对手包括主演《乌云背后的幸福线》的詹妮弗 劳伦斯,和主演《海啸奇迹》的娜奥米 沃茨。

本文关键字: 少年派
