Pulling out the stops 全力以赴
2013-03-22 00:00:00 网络
Episode 58: Language for getting something done quickly 需迅速解决问题时可用的语言:
There's much to do at the offices of Tip Top Trading and tomorrow the team is launching its new product - the plastic aubergine. So everyone needs to pull their weight and get things done quickly. The problem is, some people are a bit slow at being quick!
Anna 当下首要的任务是什么?
Glossary 词汇
This week's programme focuses on the language that you might use when trying to get your team to do something quickly and under pressure.
Phrases from the programme:
We've got to pull out all the stops. 我们需要使出浑身解数,全力以赴。
We have an order we need to process urgently. 我们需要急速的处理一个订单。
We need to pull out all the stops to get this sorted. 我们需要使出浑身解数,全力以赴的 处理这个订单。
This is our number one priority. 这是当下首要的任务。