Dear Annie: I'll be graduating from college at the end of May, and although I've had interesting conversations with campus recruiters at a career fair and been interviewed afterwards by four of them, I haven't gotten a job offer yet. I know that each of the companies I'd like to work for is interviewing a lot of people, but I think my chances are pretty good, because I have a 3.8 GPA, have been a leader in campus activities (currently president of the Student Union and captain of the lacrosse team), and have done two solid internships, with excellent references.
Even so, my impression is that everybody else who gets to the interview stage -- my roommate, for example -- has a very similar resume. Do you have any advice on how to stand out? What do employers really want? --Pick Me
Dear P.M.: Great question, especially since most of the answers apply not just to new grads, but to anyone who's looking for a job. First of all, although your 3.8 GPA is impressive, it isn't as important to employers as you might suppose. "One thing we look for is a strong work ethic," says Alexa Hamill, who is in charge of campus recruiting at PwC. The firm expects to hire more than 4,000 new grads full-time this year, along with about 3,500 interns.
"Good grades do show you've worked hard at your studies," says Hamill. "But we're really looking for people who are well-rounded, and who have a passion that they have stuck with and developed that is outside of 'book learning.'"
Your extracurricular bona fides suggest you can check that box, but here's an essential question: How well can you describe what you've achieved, and how it might apply to the working world? "Year after year, one of the biggest difficulties I see in applicants is their communication skills," says Dylan Schweitzer, Northeast head of talent acquisition for Enterprise Rent-a-Car, which hires more than 8,500 new grads annually for its management training program.
你在课外活动中的优异表现,表明你符合上面的要求,但还有一个关键问题:你会如何描述自己的成就?这些成就又将如何应用到工作当中?企业租车公司(Enterprise Rent-a-Car)人才招聘东北地区负责人迪伦?施维泽说:“我发现,每年的求职者所面临的最大障碍就是他们的沟通技能。”企业租车公司每年为管理培训项目招聘超过8,500名应届毕业生。
"Many people coming out of college have had great activities and internships, but often we find they're unable to explain what they've done," Schweitzer observes. "I'm looking for someone to say things in a positive way, who is excited about what they've accomplished so far, and who sees the failures they've had as learning experiences, as opposed to obstacles." Alexa Hamill agrees and adds, "This generation is used to communicating online but often not as effective in face-to-face situations like job interviews."
The solution to that problem, she says, is practice, and asking for feedback: "Rehearse what you're going to say about your experiences with as many people as you can -- a friend, a parent, a professor. Try to practice with a wide variety of people, because you'll get different feedback from each one."
A few other suggestions on how to wow interviewers:
Be persistent.
"Job hunters who want an edge over other candidates today need to engage employers in multiple ways," Schweitzer says. "We've had applicants meet us at a job fair, then connect with us on LinkedIn, call our offices, and send us emails." That may sound pesky, but Schweitzer says not: "The people who make a serious effort to get my attention show me they'rewilling to go the extra mile to accomplish tasks."
Remember, it's not all about you.
Schweitzer says that, when an interviewer asks why you want to work for Acme Corp., "the proper response is, 'I'm a hard-working person with experience in [fill in the blank], and here is what I want to contribute.'" Too often, he says, applicants' responses are "all about them, when it needs to be more about their connection to my organization. Tell us what you bring to the table, not just what you want."
施维泽称,当面试官问为什么希望到Acme公司工作时,“恰当的回答应该是:‘我工作非常努力,在 ()(自行填空) 方面拥有丰富经验,我能在这些方面给公司做出贡献。’”但他说,自己经常遇到的情况是,求职者往往都“大谈特谈自己。实际上,求职者应该更多谈论他们与公司之间的联系。告诉我们你能给公司带来什么,而不仅仅是你想要什么。”
Research each employer thoroughly.
Just taking a look at the company web site won't do it. "When I ask candidates what they know about us, it's rare that someone tells me something that isn't on our web site," Schweitzer says. "A person who researches the company and mentions something else about us is someone who stands out, because he or she has done more than the typical applicant."
Emphasize your leadership skills.
"Not everyone we hire is a 4.0 student with a perfect resume," says Schweitzer. "The person who is willing to work hard and put in the extra effort is going to come out ahead. For example, a military veteran with a 3.0 GPA but who has experience leading others, and is used to hard work in extreme situations, is often a better candidate than a 4.0 student who is unable to demonstrate those qualities."
Polish your online presence.
When prospective employers Google you (and they will), you want them to be impressed by what they find. "A candidate's online image is so much more important than it was in the past," notes Alexa Hamill.
Creating the right persona in cyberspace these days goes way beyond just keeping your frat-party photos off Facebook. To help you do it right, PwC has put together a detailed (and free) online tutorial on building your personal brand, including a workbook that will walk you through it step by step.
Incidentally, since you mention that you've already had four interviews with recruiters, it might interest you to know that the average wait between interview and job offer is 24 business days, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Companies in some industries take longer -- 30 days in engineering services, for instance, and 39 days in hospitality. Computer manufacturers are the quickest, taking just 16 days to ask when you can start.
顺便说一下,既然你提到自己已经进行了四次面试,有一则消息或许会让你感兴趣。据美国学院与雇主联合委员会(National Association of Colleges and Employers)披露,面试与工作邀请之间的平均等待时间约为24个工作日。而在个别行业,等待时间则更长,比如工程服务行业为30天,酒店业则是39天。最快的是计算机制造业,只要等16天,就会有人问你何时能上班?
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来源 : 网络 2024-10-15 08:49:00 关键字 : 面试英语口语