
2013-06-13 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  In terms of specs, performance, and features, the iPhone 5 is Apple's best to date. This doesn't mean it's as good as it could be, however. If Apple wants to truly offer a "superior" phone, here's a look at what competing phones already offer.

  说到规格、性能和功能,iPhone 5是苹果迄今为止最好的手机了。但这并不意味着它已经足够好了。如果苹果想真正提供“更好”的手机,看看这里手机竞争对手已经提供的功能吧。

  Text really quickly.

  Swype is something of a mainstay on Android phones. Instead of tapping out your texts letter by letter, you can drag your finger over them without lifting it. The end result is that you get your message out much more quickly.


  Pay for your coffee.

  Instead of building NFC into the iPhone, Apple would rather have you use its Passbook system, which lets users store tickets, gift cards, boarding passes, and the like.


  It can handle some (but definitely not all) of the tasks that NFC can handle. For example, you can't use Passbook to wirelessly send money to a friend via PayPal.


  NFC also lets you beam content between devices just by tapping them together. Samsung's Galaxy S III takes advantage of this feature.

  NFC还可以让你通过触碰手机传输内容。三星Galaxy S3已经在该功能上占了优势。

  Store stuff on SD cards.

  We'd like to be able to extend our device's storage capability beyond the 64 GB maximum. History suggests that external SD card support isn't going to be in a mobile Apple device any time soon.


  Use a standard, readily available cable for syncing.

  We've never understood why our iPhones can't use a standard USB port and a standard USB cable to sync. Now the iPhone 5 introduces a new micro-dock connection requiring the use of its own special cable.

  我们始终不理解为何我们的iPhone不支持标准USB端口和数据线。现在iPhone 5开始支持需要使用苹果自家的连接线的全新微型端口。

  If you want to use your old sync cables, you have to buy this $29 adapter.


  Meet the space demands of media nerds.

  And while we're talking about device storage capacity, the iPod Classic offered users 160 GB of music and video capacity. Many people (ourselves included) had no problem filling it right up.

  说起设备存储空间,iPod Classic可存储160GB音乐和视频内容。很多人包括我们自己还是可以毫不费力地填满它。

  Now that the iPhone is an easy replacement for your old iPod, we'd love to be able to carry the same amount of content around with us without having to pick and choose what stays at home.


  Watch videos on another screen using micro-HDMI.
  Micro HDMI端口在另一个屏幕上看视频

  Once again, if you want to get video off of your phone, it requires the use of a special adapter. (Unless you buy a $99 Apple TV.) The Kindle Fire HD and several Android phones use a micro-HDMI port, letting you run a cable straight from your tablet to the television.

  再一次,如果你想导出iPhone中的视频,你就需要使用特殊的适配器(除非已经购买了99美元的Apple TV)。Kindle Fire HD及众多Android手机都采用micro-HDMI 端口,用户可以直接在电视上播放手机视频。

  You can't easily replace an iPhone battery by yourself.

  The battery life on the iPhone 5 has seen some nice improvements, but for the power users who are glued to their phones all day, it won't suffice.


  We'd love to be able to carry an additional fully-charged iPhone battery that we could pop in whenever the first one bites the dust.


  We want better battery life in general!

  The iPhone 5's battery life is about the same as the iPhone 4S'. Yes, it has a bigger battery, but the new 4G LTE radio and bigger screen use up a lot of that extra power. We wish Apple had included a better battery in the iPhone 5 like the one on Motorola's Droid Razr Maxx. The Razr Maxx can last several hours longer than the iPhone 5.

  iPhone 5电池续航能力与iPhone 4S几乎相当。的确,iPhone 5电池容量更大,但4G LTE网络和更大的屏幕会消耗过多的电量。我们希望 iPhone 5的电池续航能力可以达到摩托罗拉Droid Razr Maxx的水准。Razr Maxx的续航时间要比iPhone 5长几个小时。

本文关键字: 电池续航
