
2013-07-12 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  'There may be sort of a general classification that people who are susceptible to motion sickness have,' Dr. Stoffregen said. 'Maybe they just move differently in general.'


  Max Levine, an associate professor of psychology at Siena College, studies behavioral and alternative motion-sickness treatments. In a recent experiment on about 50 individuals, half received capsules with ginger root and the remainder got a placebo. Then the individuals were seated in a chamber and exposed to a rotating device called an optokinetic drum that induces motion sickness.

  锡耶纳学院心理学助理教授麦克斯·莱文(Max Levine)研究了针对晕动病的行为疗法和替代疗法。在最近一个大约包含50名受试者的实验中,他安排了一半的人服用生姜胶囊,其余的人则服用安慰剂。这些人随后被安排坐在一个房间内,接触一种名为视动性眼震仪的旋转装置,此装置可引发晕动病。

  'The folks who got ginger beforehand ended up doing much better both in terms of the symptoms they developed and in terms of the physiological reaction that they had in the stomach,' he said.


  Recent behavioral experiments have found that cool compresses or gel packs placed on the forehead are somewhat effective at controlling physiological changes, such as abnormal rhythmic stomach activity that generally accompanies nausea, but didn't significantly reduce nausea. Listening to one's favorite music as a distraction showed improvements in symptoms including nausea, as well as in physiological changes, Dr. Levine said. Now, Dr. Levine is studying how deep breathing and relaxation may aid in motion sickness.


  Doctors say a common misperception is that traveling on an empty stomach helps. Wrong. It's better to eat a light meal beforehand, especially one high in protein.


  In a 2004 study in Alimentary Pharmacology &Therapeutics, 18 individuals completed three trials. In one, they had a protein drink before exposure to a device that induces motion sickness. In a second trial, they had a carbohydrate drink, and the third time they had nothing. They fared best after the protein drink. Protein 'really tends to get the stomach into that slow normal rhythmic activity more so than fats and carbohydrates,' Dr. Levine said.

  在一项发表于《食物药理学与治疗学》(Alimentary Pharmacology &Therapeutics)杂志的2004年的研究中,18名受试者完成了三个实验。在第一个实验中,他们在接触可引发晕动病的装置之前先饮用了蛋白质饮料;在第二个实验中他们饮用的是碳水化合物饮料;而在第三个实验中则什么都没喝。实验表明,他们在喝过蛋白质饮料后的感觉最好。莱文说,蛋白质确实会比脂肪和碳水化合物更能让胃部产生缓慢的间歇性正常活动。

  Children over age 2 seem more prone to motion sickness than adults. Some experts think children's extra-sharp senses may make them aware of even a slight mismatch. Adults in their golden years seem to experience motion sickness less often─perhaps because of habituation.


  Women have a greater tendency than men to get motion sickness. Some experts believe this is because women also are more prone to getting migraines, and migraine sufferers have a higher rate of motion sickness. Or women may simply report motion sickness symptoms more often.


  Doctors say prescription drugs and over-the-counter options like Dramamine are the best treatment option, though some can cause side effects. Such drugs work by suppressing the central nervous system's response to nausea-producing stimuli. They reduce symptoms for many people but aren't universally effective.


  Some travelers rely on homeopathic remedies such as ginger or acupressure wrist bands. Sujana Chandrasekhar, director of New York Otology in New York City, said they aren't universally effective, but are 'worth trying.'

  有些旅行者则借助生姜和指压防晕腕带等顺势疗法来治疗晕动病。纽约市纽约耳科医院(New York Otology)的主任苏查娜·钱德拉塞克哈(Sujana Chandrasekhar)说,这些疗法并非普遍适用,但是“值得一试”。

  There are behavioral tips for preventing or minimizing symptoms. Cynthia Ryan knows them all. The 45-year-old Portland, Ore., resident has suffered from motion sickness since she was a child commuting to school along winding roads, her barf bag in hand. Now the executive director of the Vestibular Disorders Association, Ms. Ryan says individuals with vestibular disorders are prone to motion sickness.

  有些行为方面的小技巧也可预防晕动病的症状或将症状减到最轻。现年45岁、家住俄勒冈波特兰的辛西娅·瑞安(Cynthia Ryan)就了解这些技巧。瑞安从孩童时期起就深受晕动病之苦,那时她每天要坐车沿着弯弯曲曲的道路往返学校,手里总是拿着呕吐袋。她现在是前庭系统疾病协会(Vestibular Disorders Association)的常务理事,她说患有前庭系统疾病的人也更容易患晕动病。

  Her rule of thumb is to always be the driver. 'I almost never let somebody else drive,' she said. 'And if I do, I sit in the passenger seat.' Even when sitting as the front passenger, Ms. Ryan says she does deep-breathing exercises and tries to focus on a fixed point on the road in front of her. 'I can't participate in conversations,' she said. 'I can't read. Sometimes someone will pass me a smartphone and say, 'Can you read me the directions?' And I'll say, 'Not unless you want me to throw up in your car.' '


  Watching television TV or reading in a car is a no-no. 'Face forward in the vehicle to be as alert to what's happening outside the vehicle as the driver would be,' Dr. Chandrasekhar said. 'You want to try to match your eyes to what's going on and to what your inner ear is feeling.' experts say: Just close your eyes and sleep.


本文关键字: 晕动病
