
2013-07-15 00:00:00来源:大耳朵英语

  NEW YORK, Jul 1 (Reuters) - So much for a dream job. Only 14 percent of U.S. workers believe they have the perfect job and more than half want to change careers, according to a new poll released on Monday.
  路透社纽约7月1日 - 人人都希望拥有一份梦寐以求的工作。根据周一公布的最新调查结果,只有14%的美国员工认为自己拥有完美的工作,有超过半数的受访者希望更换职业。

  A Harris survey for the University of Phoenix in Arizona showed that the most coveted jobs are in the arts and sciences, business management, technology and healthcare, and that younger employees are more eager to find another type of work than older workers.

  "It is not uncommon for working adults to consider one or multiple career changes," Dr. Bill Pepicello, the president of the University of Phoenix, said in a statement announcing the results.
  凤凰城大学校长Bill Pepicello博士在声明称:“成年工作者考虑更换一种或多种职业是很常见的。”

  "Choosing one career path after high school or college and sticking with it for the rest of a career is becoming less common as the pace of business and technology quickly change jobs and industries."

  Nearly 80 percent of workers in their 20s said they wanted to change careers, followed by 64 percent of 30-somethings and 54 percent in their 40s.

  Although the majority of workers said they had career plans when they were younger, 73 percent of them had not landed in the job they had expected.

  Women were more likely than men to be in a different job than they had anticipated, according to the poll, and college graduates tended to follow a planned career path more than non-graduates.

  In New York City 62 percent of workers were somewhat interested in changing careers, compared to 67 percent of workers in Atlanta and 60 percent in Los Angeles.
  在纽约市, 62 %的员工是对改变职业生涯颇有兴趣。而在亚特兰大和洛杉矶,这个比例分别为67%和60 % 。

  Harris questioned 1,616 U.S. adults for the online poll between April 18-26. It gave no margin of error for the survey.

本文关键字: 职业规划
