双语:凯特王妃产下男婴 成王室第三继承人

2013-07-24 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Britain's royal baby and third in line to the throne arrived here late Monday afternoon as the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a son whose debut on the world stage offered a fitting preview of his coming life as a global celebrity.

  英国王室宝宝、王位的第三顺位继承人周一下午降生。剑桥公爵夫人(Duchess of Cambridge)生下一名男婴,这个宝宝在世界舞台上第一次亮相就恰到好处地预演了他身为全球名人的未来生活。

  The 8-pound, 6-ounce boy─no name disclosed─was born to the duchess and her husband, Prince William, at 4:24 p.m. at St. Mary's Hospital. But the birth wasn't announced until 8:31 p.m., perfectly in the heart of television prime time, right on deadline for the country's national newspapers and just before sundown on Britain's hottest day in years.

  英国王室家谱这个重8磅6盎司(约3.8公斤)的宝宝于周一下午4点24分在圣玛丽医院(St. Mary’s Hospital)出生,他的父母是威廉王子(Prince William)和剑桥公爵夫人。这名新生儿的姓名尚未宣布。王室直到晚上8点31分才宣布他出生的消息,这个时间是电视台黄金时段的中心,正好赶上英国各大报纸的截稿期限,同时也刚好是英国一年中最热的日子的日落之前。

  At Buckingham Palace, where a simple typed birth announcement was placed on an easel for public viewing, a modest crowd quickly mushroomed, with well-wishers pushing and shoving to the front as if at a rock concert.


  'Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4:24 p.m. today. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well,' read the birth announcement on Buckingham Palace letterhead, which was signed by three members of the medical team that delivered the baby.


  The birth culminates a royal-baby frenzy that began with last year's announcement of the pregnancy by the royal parents─formally known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and, at 31 years old, the standard-bearers for a younger generation of British royals.


  The new arrival immediately changes the line of succession to the British throne, which has been occupied by the new arrival's 87-year-old great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, for more than six decades.

  这名新生儿的到来立刻改变了英国王位的继承顺序。60多年来,男婴的曾祖母,现年87岁的伊莉莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)一直担任英国女王。

  As the first child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the new royal begins life as third in line to the throne─behind only Prince William, who is second in line, and his father, Prince Charles, who is first. Prince William's younger brother, Prince Harry, moves down to fourth.

  作为剑桥公爵夫妇的第一个孩子,这名王室新成员成为王位第三继承人。威廉王子和他的父亲查尔斯王子(Prince Charles)分别是第二和第一继承人。威廉王子的弟弟哈里王子(Prince Harry)则降至第四位。

  The pregnancy has drawn massive global interest focused on intimate details including the size of the duchess's belly─meticulously chronicled by Britain's paparazzi─ and the mother-to-be's fashion choices. The fevered anticipation intensified as the birth neared, with media crews camped for several weeks at the hospital where the birth was expected.


  The most intense speculation focused on the baby's sex─which the parents chose not to learn─and possible names, on which betting parlors have been taking wagers. The favorite on Monday evening at betting parlor Paddy Power PLS.DB -0.84% PLC was Alexandra, at 11-to-4─now looking like a loser─followed by George at 6-to-1. For now, he can be referred to by his formal name: His Royal Highness the Prince of Cambridge.

  外界最为关注的是宝宝的性别(威廉王子夫妇选择不提前了解这个信息)和可能起什么名字。有博彩公司围绕宝宝的名字开出了盘口。博彩公司Paddy Power PLC周一晚间最热门的押注名字是亚历山德拉(Alexandra),赔率11/4;其次是乔治(George),赔率6/1。目前这名宝宝可以用正式头衔称呼:剑桥王子殿下 (His Royal Highness the Prince of Cambridge) 。

  After the announcement, Prince William issued a statement declaring that the new parents 'could not be happier.' Prince Charles, who earlier in the day carried on with a planned trip to York, declared he was 'overjoyed' and added: 'Grandparenthood is a unique moment in anyone's life.' British Prime Minister David Cameron stepped before the microphones at No. 10 Downing St. moments after the announcement to declare it 'an important moment in the life of our nation.'

  喜讯公布后,威廉王子发布声明说,初为父母的他与凯特开心得不得了。周一早些时候按照日程安排前往约克郡的查尔斯王子口,自己欣喜万分,还说升级成为祖父母对任何一个人而言都是一辈子中独一无二的时刻。英国首相卡梅伦(David Cameron)也在官方消息发布片刻后,于唐宁街10号发表讲话,说这是“我们国家历史上的重要时刻”。

  Reaction elsewhere was sometimes beatific. London's St. Paul's Cathedral─scene of Prince Charles' 1981 marriage to Princess Diana─said it would hold a four-hour 'peal' of its bells on Saturday, and issued a prayer for the new baby via its Twitter feed, giving 'joyful thanks for the safe delivery of a Prince.'

  其它地方也充满了欢庆的气氛。伦敦圣保罗大教堂(St. Paul's Cathedral)说,将于周六鸣钟四个小时,并通过其推特(Twitter)账户为新生儿祈祷,对王子的平安出世表示感恩。查尔斯王子与戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)1981年在圣保罗大教堂举行婚礼。

  Fleet Street's approach, meanwhile, was predictably secular. Moments after letting fly with the tweet, '11-year-old child bride explains why she ran away from home,' the Daily Mail's Twitter feed turned on a dime to proclaim: 'It's a boy! #RoyalBaby.'

  而正如外界所料,英国报业对此事的态度并不超然。英国《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)先是发了一条推特:11岁的童养媳解释自己为何离家出走。随后该报突然话锋一转,发了这样一条推特:是个男孩!#王室宝宝#。

  In the past, the line of succession would have been different for a royal baby girl, as the crown would have passed to an eldest son─only going to a daughter if there were no boys. But under a new law, which applies to any baby born after October 2011, the firstborn child is the heir apparent regardless of gender.


  That became moot when a baby boy was born about 10 hours after the royal couple arrived at the hospital. The palace amended its plan to announce the birth with a simple public posting at Buckingham Palace. Shortly after 8 p.m., hints came that a news release was on the way, which was then followed by the choreographed public notice.


  At the palace, the modest crowd quickly swelled to 40 or 50 people deep, with Britons and tourists alike pushing to get closer to the easel carrying the royal notice. Water was eventually offered to the sweaty crowd.


  'Please hurry up, I only have 14% battery life left,' a person was heard to scream.


  'I felt very frightened,' said Janet Gilder, a self-described royalist from London's Highgate neighborhood who emerged from the scrum perspiring. 'I thought, 'I hope I don't get squashed against the palace gates.''

  来自伦敦海格特(Highgate)社区、自称是英国王室铁杆粉丝的吉尔德(Janet Gilder)说:我当时吓坏了,我想自己可不要被压扁在白金汉宫的门上。

  The media crews will now stay at St. Mary's Hospital in wait of the proud parents exiting with their baby. Meanwhile, two hospital workers leaving work around 9 p.m. said they had been in the dark as the crowd outside grew. One got a phone call and found out only then that the baby was a boy. Meanwhile, her colleague said of being so close to the royal birth, 'You're a part of history. I'm really grateful.'


  The new arrival joins a family that famously has its ups and downs. Prince Charles, 64, has waited decades for a chance to be king, parked in line behind his mother and her historic 61-year reign, which has weathered sweeping social transformation in the U.K., big swings in the family's popularity and the end of Britain's global empire.


  But the Queen─whose popularity has been very high in recent years─has recently begun scaling back her vigorous public duties and limiting her long-haul travel, which leaves a potentially greater role for her son and grandchildren.


本文关键字: 男婴
