
2013-08-08 00:00:00来源:21英语网

  If this summer you pay a visit to Milan, the fashion center of Italy, make sure you’re not caught slurping ice cream in the streets after midnight. Doing so is now against the city’s law.


  A new law was passed by Milan’s city council early last month, banning the sale of take-away food and drinks after midnight in bars and restaurants in some districts famous for their nightlife scene. It’s purpose? To discourage “the formation of nocturnal assemblies on pavements outside these businesses”, the city council said in a statement.


  The law has given rise to a number of protests. It reminds people of New York City’s ban on large-sized soda drinks and is another example of the government trying to regulate people’s lives too much. However, if you take into consideration the country’s bad economy and its high unemployment rate, the local government’s fear of “nocturnal assemblies” may be understandable.


  In fact, Milan’s law is only the strangest of a host of clampdowns on nightlife in European cities that have cropped up recently, according to a report by The Atlantic. Madrid’s city center was declared a “low-noise zone” last September and the city council has been refusing to issue bar and club licenses ever since.


  In Paris, tight police control of nightlife led national newspaper Le Monde to call the city the “European Capital of Boredom” back in 2009. The newspaper cited a study by the Parisian administration, which found that it was much harder to get club licenses in Paris than in London, Berlin, Amsterdam or Barcelona.


  But things are not much better for those supposed nightlife capitals. In Germany, the national performance rights group GEMA is trying to make bars and clubs pay a commission on all music they play. If the move goes ahead, it will force small businesses to close their doors.


  Why do European cities deal so harshly with nightlife? The Atlantic says that it may be because Europe’s population is getting older and less tolerant of late night activities within the neighborhood. A high unemployment rate, especially among the young, also means that few have a reason to get up early and many stay out late.


  In the past, The Atlantic article explains, bars and clubs flourished in European city centers, which were home to working class populations. But gradually, these people began to move out of the city centers and into the suburbs. Only the wealthy and the social elite, who have no problem getting their voices heard by authorities, can afford to live in urban centers now. But these people don’t go to bars and clubs to socialize. Instead, they see fun-seekers carousing in their neighborhoods as a huge nuisance. They also worry that bars and clubs will make their neighborhoods less desirable and decrease their property’s real estate value.


本文关键字: 夜生活
