
2013-08-15 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  An English teacher at a Dallas high school is accused of inappropriate contact with a student after the boy's mother reportedlycaught her with her son in a swimming pool at the apartment complex where they live, according to CBS Dallas.


  Lesley Ann Sharp faces charges of improper relationship between educator and student, possession or promotion of child pornography, tampering with physical evidence and perjury, according to the Dallas Morning News. The 24-year-old teacher is accused of having sex with the 17-year-old more than 25 times, in locations such as her car, her apartment and even "in his apartment while the student’s parents were not home."

  根据《达拉斯晨报》的报道,英语老师Lesley Ann Sharp被控诉为与学生发生不正当关系以及持有或制作儿童色情资料,并试图篡改和掩饰证据等罪状。据报道,Lesley Ann Sharp今年24岁,与17岁的男学生曾多次发生性关系(25次以上),而发生性关系的地点也匪夷所思,有时在Lesley Ann Sharp的车里或她家里,甚至会趁男学生父母不在的情况下,到男学生家里发生性关系。

  The child pornography charges stem from explicit photos that Sharp allegedly exchanged with the boy via text message, according to police. Police allege that Sharp and the student, a freshman at Hillcrest High School, “exchanged 116 telephone calls, 173 multi-media messages and 15,371 text messages” between May and July of this year.

  据警方报道,对Lesley Ann Sharp关于儿童淫秽资料的起诉是因为Lesley Ann Sharp与男学生联系时发的短息图片里有相关照片。警方透露,Lesley Ann Sharp与男学生之间“打过116通电话、173条彩信以及1537条短信息”。

  Sharp allegedly tried to delete information that she had synced from her iPhone to her school-issued laptop before handing the computer over to investigators. Police also claim Sharp told the victim to delete photos and messages after she learned of the investigation.


  In a letter to parents, Hillcrest High School principal Ronald Jones wrote that Sharp was a new teacher and would not be returning to the school next year:

  事发以后,学校校长Ronald Jones亲自去信男学生的家长,信中提到英语老师sharp是个新老师,学校以后不会继续聘用她:

  "It has been brought to our attention that one of our staff members was recently arrested on an allegation that she had an inappropriate relationship with one of our students. The teacher was new to our staff this year and is believed to have had this relationship with only one student."


  A Dallas Independent School District spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Sharp was placed on leave pending the outcome of the criminal case.


本文关键字: Sharp
