Chinese equity markets are displaying echoes of Dickens as investors in mainland stocks are experiencing the best of times and the worst of times.
中国股市令人想起狄更斯(Charles Dickens)的作品。内地股票投资者既经历着最好的时代,又经历着最坏的时代。
This tale of two cities plays out between Shenzhen, whose composite index is Asia’s new star performer, and Shanghai, the better known and more established of China’s mainland markets.
这出“双城记”在深圳和上海之间展开。深证综指(Shenzhen Composite)现在的表现使之成为亚洲股市新的明星股指,而上海股市则是内地更知名、更成熟的股票市场。
Following the recent rout in global emerging markets, the Shenzhen composite – home to China’s small-caps index – is up 13.8 per cent this year, outpacing gains in the next best Asian market, the Philippines.
The move is not a reflection of new-found confidence in China. The Shanghai Composite remains Asia’s most unloved index, having fallen 8.6 per cent this year, partly due to the perception that it is a proxy for China’s old economy.
这种变化并不意味着投资者对中国重拾信心。上证综指(Shanghai Composite)仍是亚洲最不受欢迎的股指,今年已下跌8.6%,这在一定程度上是因为人们将它视为中国旧经济的代表。
Financials, energy and materials companies account for about 70 per cent of the Shanghai market, mostly state-owned enterprises. While many analysts believe the most recent data suggest China’s economy is stabilising, it has not been enough to alter the view that the country will need to embark on a big restructuring of its entire economic model, away from investment and towards consumption. Investors are already making the switch.
Though China’s markets are largely closed to foreign investors, a similar story has played out within Hong Kong. The H-share market – mainland companies listed offshore – has fallen almost 15 per cent this year. Yet the GEM board, a small-caps index of Chinese companies, has risen 8.5 per cent.
“It has a lot to do with the relative traction within the economy. Big-caps are reflecting a global scepticism towards China, and that growth is slowing,” says Jake Lynch, who covers Asian small-caps at Macquarie. “There is a lot of talk about more friendly policies towards private companies . . . perhaps the market is also latching on to that.”
“这与经济内部的相对吸引力有关。大盘股反映出全球对中国的怀疑,以及中国的增长在放缓,”麦格理(Macquarie)研究亚洲小盘股的杰克•林奇(Jake Lynch)表示,“现在很多人在讨论对私有公司采取更友好的政策……或许市场听取了这些信息。”
Much of the negative drag, both in H shares and Shanghai, has come from the banking sector, the biggest on both indices. China’s 2008 stimulus package pushed banks into lending huge amounts of cash for infrastructure and construction projects. As that debt comes due, many believe that the country’s banks will need a bailout once non-performing loans begin to stack up.
In June, fears about the banking system spread when the People’s Bank of China refrained from adding new liquidity into money markets, causing a jump in interbank lending rates. Financial shares tumbled as a result, leaving many banks trading at a price-to-book ratio below one, an indication that the market did not have faith in the value of a company’s stated assets.
By contrast, Shenzhen’s three separate boards – which together make up the composite index – are virtually financials free.
Its main board features property stocks, such as China Vanke, and consumer-related companies such as electronics manufacturer ZTE. The rest of the market consists of small and medium-sized enterprises on its SME board, and high-growth companies on the GEM board. Together they carry some weight – Shenzhen has a total capitalisation of $1.34tn, recently overtaking Australia’s ASX 200.
主板包含万科集团(China Vanke)等地产股,以及电子产品生产商中兴(ZTE)等消费品公司。深市还包括中小型企业组成的中小企业板,以及高增长公司组成的创业板。它们加起来颇有分量——深市总市值达1.34万亿美元,近期超过了澳大利亚的ASX 200指数。
While the resurgent property market has helped, Shenzhen’s strength is largely a reflection of the scramble within China to invest in companies still capable of delivering rising profits. That is clearest on Shenzhen’s ChiNext index – home to small, fast-growing technology, media and healthcare companies. It is up more than 65 per cent this year, outpacing gains almost anywhere else in the world, amid a gold rush from Chinese retail punters.
“Retail investors like to play small-caps because they feel it’s easier to have growth,” says Heather Hsu, strategist at CLSA Fortune. “Due to a lack of good quality names to invest in, they are willing to pay a premium.”
“散户投资者喜欢投资小盘股,因为他们认为小盘股更容易增长。”财富里昂证券(CLSA Fortune)的策略师许蕙蕙表示,“由于缺乏可以投资的优质股,他们愿意支付溢价购买小盘股。”
That willingness is certainly clear when it comes to valuations. The Shenzhen composite trades at about 20 times earnings, compared with just nine times for the Shanghai market. The ChiNext is even punchier, on a price to earnings ratio of 45, its highest level since 2010.
With earnings growth forecast to be over 50 per cent this year, some analysts say there is some justification for the heady prices. But others have their doubts.
“It seems like it has a bubble; valuations are extremely high”, says Chen Li, head of China equity strategy at UBS Securities. “Clearly, there could be a big decrease.”
瑞银证券(UBS Securities)主管中国股票策略的陈李表示:“看上去有泡沫,因为估值已达到极高。很明显,股价可能将大幅下降。”
Shifts in investment habits have also played a part in Shenzhen’s rise. Over the past seven years, total assets under management at Chinese mutual funds has stayed roughly the same. Yet the number of active funds has more than doubled, according to Mr Chen, meaning that each fund is smaller in size.
That change has enabled some funds to look towards smaller stocks, having previously been restricted to large, liquid equities, such as the state-owned companies listed in Shanghai.
And Chinese funds often have a very limited performance horizon. Many portfolio managers are judged on a quarterly or monthly basis, giving extra incentive to take riskier, short-term bets.
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来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
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来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻