Facebook has often been regarded as one of the best places to work in the tech industry. After all, their interns make $25,000 more than the average citizen.Facebook一直被认为是科技行业中工作待遇最好的公司之一。不管怎么说,Facebook的实习生的薪水比普通人的平均收入还要多出2.5万美元。
And famously, employees on Glassdoor voted Facebook the No.1 best company to work for overall。众所周知,职业社区网站Glassdoor上的用户把Facebook评选为最想要去的公司第一名。
Not bad, right?挺好的,是吧?
Wrong, according to some Facebook employees, both past and present. Various engineers, software developers, and anonymous sources from Facebook's front lines divulge the details about the worst things about working for the social network。根据在Facebook工作的员工,无论是前雇员还是现任雇员,答案都是否定的。工程师、软件开发师,以及其他工作在Facebook第一线的匿名员工爆出了各种在Facebook工作的细节。
1. "There is not a truly functional infrastructure."
1. “Facebook没有真正意义上切实可行的基础架构。”
Employees say that trying to figure out how to do cool things with a team of 4,000 people is much harder than doing them with a team of 500.Facebook员工表示,这是一支4000名员工的团队,不是500名,因此想要创建一个行之有效的组织架构实在太难了。
"We're growing so fast and have never emphasized organization, polish, or stability."“Facebook成长太快,根本就来不及注重组织、整顿或稳固。”
2. "For six weeks out of the year, I'm on 24/7 on-call duty."
2. “一年有六个星期,我必须全天候随叫随到。”
During on-call duty, engineers are responsible for keeping the service up and running, come what may. "For those weeks I don't leave town on the weekend; make especially sure not to have 'one too many' at any social gatherings I attend; and most importantly, carry and immediately respond to a charged phone where I can be reached 24/7, including leaving the ringer on on the nightstand as I sleep." - Keith Adams, Facebook engineer。在这段值班期间,工程师得负责维持服务运行,随叫随到。“这六个星期里,我周末都不敢出城,尤其确保不要参加太多社交聚会,而且最重要的是,随身携带充足电的手机,不论何时呼叫都得尽快就位。我连睡觉都把手机开机放在床头柜上。”——Facebook的工程师基恩-亚当斯
3. "The wall does not exist at Facebook."
3. “Facebook没有‘隔墙’。”
"At most companies, you put up a wall between a work personality and a personal one, which ends up with a professional workspace," says a Facebook engineer who chose to remain anonymous on Quora. Because the culture of Facebook implicitly encourages employees to "be themselves," the company lacks the "professionalism" found at other firms, the engineer says。“在大部分公司,工作品质和个人特性有所分开,从而确保工作的职业性。”一位不愿透露姓名的Facebook工程师在Quora上说道。Facebook的文化明确鼓励员工“彰显自我”,因此相对其他公司而言,Facebook缺少“职业性”氛围。
4. "Don't complain to me about Facebook just because I work at Facebook."
4. “不要因为我在Facebook工作,就把对Facebook的牢骚全都发泄到我身上。”
The spouse of a former Facebook employee said that her husband was the recipient of many complaints about the site from friends and family, just because he was employed by the company. 一名Facebook前员工的妻子说,因为她丈夫在Facebook上班,许多亲戚朋友就把对Facebook的不满发泄到她丈夫身上。
"As a Facebook spouse, I was often asked for help on how to use the privacy settings solely on the basis that, being married to someone who works at Facebook, I must know."“就因为是Facebook员工的妻子,老有人问我怎么使用隐私设置。好像我嫁了一个Facebook员工,就一定知道这些似的。”
5. "The complete lack of focus on my team."
5. “完全无法专注于自己的团队。”
"On the last day of my internship, the team decided that it was not worth completely rewriting the project," a former Facebook intern admitted on Quora, after spending all of his time at the company redesigning and coding said project。“在我实习的最后一天,团队竟突然认定重改项目完全没有必要。”一个曾在Facebook实习过的人在Quora上写道。天知道,为了重新设计编制这个项目,他可是倾注了全部心血。
"If a more clear vision of the future of the product had been communicated to the team, I think I could have made many improvements to it, and impacted the company in a more positive way."“如果能先把产品设想和团队沟通清楚,或许我还能做些改进,给公司带来更乐观的业绩。”
6. "You won't be making millions or building a new exciting company of your own."
6. “你不能单枪匹马就赚取百万或创建有前景的公司。”
Just because you're working for a cool company still means you're working. In this case, you're working to fulfill someone else's dream。就算你在优秀公司上班,那也还是为别人打工。也就是说,你只是努力工作去实现别人的梦想罢了。
7. "It was probably my worst professional experience to date."
7. “这可能是我目前为止最糟糕的工作经历。”
"As a contractor and back fill for someone on maternity
leave, I was temporarily assigned [as an admin] with very little guidance or support, serving two of the worst leaders I've ever interacted with," claimed an anonymous former employee of the social network giant。“我只是某个休产假员工的临时替补,暂时负责行政工作,完全没有任何指导或帮助,还得为两个我见过的最难伺候的领导打杂。”该社交网络巨头的某位不愿透露姓名的前员工说道。
8. "I was asked to complete really inappropriate tasks."
8. “我被要求完成很不适宜的任务。”
One anonymous former employee of Facebook confessed, "The team treated me like garbage and I was asked to [do] really inappropriate tasks (i.e. separating the director's laundry complete with his wife's dirty undies still attached)."Facebook一位不愿透露姓名的前员工说道:“他们当我是废物,安排我去做很无语的事情,比如,把主管的脏衣服和他老婆缠在一起的脏内裤分开。”
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来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-15 08:38:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
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来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻
来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:39:00 关键字 : 双语新闻