双语:Facebook员工大吐槽 理想在左现实在右

2013-09-16 00:00:00来源:网络

  9. "Instructions were not clear, everything was a guessing game, and I was immediately set up to fail."

  9. “指令说明不清,一切都靠猜,我立马就砸掉了。”

  After being put on a rigorous 10-day performance plan, one former employee said his team didn't even bother to give him feedback。一位前员工说,他好不容易熬出一份缜密的10天绩效计划,可那帮同事连反馈都懒得回复。

  "At that point, I quit on the spot."“那一刻,我立马放弃了。”

  10. "Knowing that you are part of an overhyped public company."

  10. “意识到自己是在一家虚有其名的公司工作。”

  Facebook, which was "supposed to be valued at over $200 billion by now, had a dismal public offering that left many employees feeling totally helpless as they saw the value of their stock collapse," an anonymous source wrote on Quora.Facebook,“估计现在价值已超过2000亿美元,其公开销售证券却前景暗淡,股份滑落使得许多员工倍感绝望。”一名匿名业内人士在Quora上透露道。

  11. "Zuck and Sheryl imposing a 'holier than thou' attitude."

  11. “扎克伯格和谢丽尔都是伪善自负的家伙。”

  Referring to Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, a Facebook employee complains that the two spend way too much time on "extracurricular activities" (hint: "Lean In") and copying off the competition (i.e., Poke, which bears a resemblance to Snapchat). 提起Facebook创始人CEO马克-扎克伯格以及COO谢丽尔-桑德伯格,某个Facebook员工抱怨说,他们总是花精力搞“业余活动”(暗指桑德伯格的新书《Lean In》),并费尽心思排挤竞争(比如,和Snapchat相似的Poke)。

  12. "We're looking too hard at Google."

  12. “Facebook把Google盯得太紧了。”

  Though he doesn't work at Facebook, this Quora user chimed in to say he is often invited to Facebook's tech talks, where he finds "no WOW factor."这位Quora用户虽然不在Facebook工作,但他表示自己经常受邀参加Facebook技术洽谈会,而且他认为会议“毫无亮点特色”。

  "A lot of times Facebook seems to be looking too hard at Google rather than focusing on their core strengths and mission."“很多时候,Facebook看上去太介意Google,以至于忽略了自身的优势与目标。”

  13. "Forget the free food and drinks - the workplace is awful."

  13. “除了免费零食和饮料,整个工作环境太恐怖了。”

  "When you have huge rooms filled with rows and rows of picnic style tables with people sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with six inches of separation and zero privacy, I am sorry.... That's how you keep cattle in the pen, not high quality talent earning low to mid six figures."“大房间里是成行成排的野餐式桌子,员工肩挨肩、几乎无间隔无隐私地坐着办公……呃,我觉得这是圈养牛的方式,不是高素质人才应受的待遇。”

  14. "I've seen decisions being made by interns."

  14. “我发现有些决策甚至是实习生出的。”

  Philip Su, a software engineer at Facebook, published "Ten Things I Hate About Working At Facebook" on his personal blog last year in a tongue-in-cheek attempt to write about the things that separate Facebook from so many other companies.Philip Su是Facebook一名软件工程师,去年在个人博客上写了一篇《在Facebook工作最让我讨厌的十件事》,半开玩笑地列出了Facebook有别于众多其他公司的事情。

  "I’ve seen decisions being made by lone engineers. Or an engineer and a designer over lunch. Or by interns," he writes. "All without telling their managers, even. This sort of autonomous decision-making suggests a complete lack of understanding of how corporations are supposed to work." “我发现有些决策是由单个工程师决定的,有些是某个工程师或设计师在吃午饭时决定的,有些甚至是实习生想出来的。”他写道,“有些决策甚至都不必通过上级。这种自动化的决策机制说明他们完全不懂企业该怎样运作。”

  15. "The drama."

  15. “戏剧化。”

  Of course, Su admits that the politics are ultimately what creates the dynamism and drama that make work worthwhile in any company; Facebook not excluded。当然,Su承认政治是这场动力与戏剧的主导,使得公司能有效运营。Facebook也不例外。

  "Without these, it’s just code, code, code. Ship, ship, ship. I get tired just thinking about it."“没有这些,就只剩下无止境的产品编码和上市。

  16. "The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous."

  16. “人们说话语气鄙视而自以为是。”

  According to one former employee, his colleagues were anything but pleasant company. 一位前员工说,他的同事都很难相处。

  "The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous," the ex-employee writes. "I found them snobby, cliquey and frankly, rude."“人们讲话语气都很不屑一顾、很自以为是,”这位前员工写道,“我认为他们势力、扎堆,说白了就是很粗鲁。”

本文关键字: 工作
