
2013-10-14 11:18:23来源:网络

  Wu Zhuan and Zong Yinghong don't wear wedding rings, nor do they hold hands or kiss in public. Instead, it is their matching turquoise shirts decorated with yellow and black hearts that signal that they are man and wife.


  The newlyweds plan weekend outings-wearing matching gray hoodies, striped sweatshirts or a set of purple pig shirts-to window shop and gin up glances in places like Wangfujing, Beijing's version of Times Square.

  这对新婚夫妇周末通常到类似王府井的地方,身穿灰色情侣帽衫,或者条纹情侣运动衫,亦或是紫色的印有小猪图案的情侣衫,逛街和吸引人们的目光。王府井常被称作北京的时报广场(Times Square)。

  'We want everyone to envy us,' said Mr. Wu, a 32-year-old forestry and conservation consultant, sitting next to his identically dressed spouse.


  Mr. Wu and Ms. Zong have stiff competition on their weekend jaunts. In a single hour on a recent Saturday afternoon, eight couples could be spotted walking down Beijing's hip shopping street Nanluoguxiang wearing either identical or matching outfits-black shirts with yellow hearts and smiley faces on them, or a skirt paired with a polo shirt of the same stripes.


  One such couple, Jin Ying and He Yukun-wearing a blue-and-white-striped dress-shirt combo-said the first time they dressed alike was like a pledge to one another, an admission of feelings they hadn't fully expressed before.


  In a country where matchmaking has traditionally meant little or no input from the young people involved, couples are wresting back control. As courtship gets redefined, one byproduct is a fashion trend that would make most high-end designers cringe.


  A search for matching couple clothing-known as qing lü zhuang-on China's biggest e-commerce site Taobao, offers more than three million results from online stores that have launched to meet the high demand. In roughly the last year, searches for the clothing have increased by 57%, according to Alibaba Group, Taobao's parent.

  在中国最大的电子商务网站淘宝网(Taobao)上搜索情侣装,可以从诸多网店中得到超过300万个结果。这些网店都在努力满足这个需求。据淘宝网的母公司阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)说,在过去的一年左右的时间里,情侣装的搜索量增长了57%。

  The phenomenon has its versions in the West-say, portraits of families sporting matching Christmas sweaters. A move toward his and her clothing failed years ago. In China, though, the trend provides a framework for romance, something that hasn't always been the primary factor in a relationship.

  西方也有类似的现象。比如说,西方家庭的成员会穿同款 诞服装在一起拍照。数年前,情侣装未能成为潮流。但在中国,这股趋势带来了一种浪漫感,而过去浪漫在情侣或夫妻关系中并不总是一个重要的因素。

  For hundreds of years, parents and grandparents parsed out family trees, calculated dowries and read astrology charts to arrange marriages. And even in recent years, many matches have sprung from a plan for a better material life, the promise that a combined income could afford a new home and maybe even a BMW.


  Ms. Zong, a 31-year-old accountant in Beijing, said she chose to marry Mr. Wu, whom she first met in 2007, because he makes her laugh. Mr. Wu said it was Ms. Zong's gentle nature that won him over. 'I would call her just to hear her voice,' he said.


  Ms. Zong says her parents, farmers who grow corn and beans in China's northeastern Jilin province, sometimes wear similar colors-gray and black-and old Mao-inspired jackets from years past, though that is less an expression of affection than an old remnant. She could never imagine them deliberately wearing matching shirts as symbols of love, she said.


  'The first time they met was on their wedding day,' Ms. Zong said. 'Surely they love one another, but our love is different,' she said.


  For Mr. Wu and Ms. Zong, their coordinated-fashion debut wasn't long after they started dating. 'It made us official,' said Mr. Wu.


  Sun Peidong, an associate professor at Shanghai's Fudan University, says the phenomenon reflects an increasingly materialistic society that is obsessed with logos and labels. People want BMWs to show they are rich; now they want matching-couples labeling to show they are in relationships, said Ms. Sun. And ultimately, matching duds is a way for people to feel secure, she said.


  Bai Zhengping, just six months into a relationship, asked his girlfriend Ma Xin to accompany him on a shopping trip to buy twin Superman shirts. 'I felt proud, like I was saying, 'She's mine,' ' said Mr. Bai. 'I just wanted everyone to know,' he said, noting they have been together now for two years. She smiled and said, 'I was so happy he asked.'


本文关键字: 情侣装 感情
