
2013-11-04 10:54:15来源:沪江英语网

  Lack of industry-specific experience is going to make it tough to get hired, even though you're highly regarded in the previous field. I know people do manage to move from one industry to another, but how do they do it?


  In face, your lack of industry experience isn't insurmountable. Finding a job is just going to take a lot more focused effort than it would if you weren't making the switch. Augustine recommends a three-step approach:


  1. Tap your network. Of course, every job seeker has to do this, but you need to cast the widest possible net. "Reach out to anyone you know on LinkedIn, or from your college fraternity or alumni association, or former vendors, clients, and colleagues," Augustine says. Don't discount relatives, neighbors, or anyone else you meet in your new city: "Even if they don't work in the industry you're trying to get into, you never know who they know."

  1. 充分利用自己的人脉。诚然,每一位求职者都会这么做,但你需要撒出尽可能多的网。奥古斯丁说:“联系你在LinkedIn上面认识的所有人,或者大学兄弟会或校友会里的朋友,或者之前的供应商、客户和同事。”别忘了自己的亲戚、邻居或你在新城市遇到的其他任何人。“就算他们并不在你打算求职的行业内工作,可谁知道他们还会认识什么样的人呢?”

  The goal is to find people with whom you can do informational interviews -- not asking for a job, but finding out as much as you can about what's happening in your target industry and where your skills might fit. If you can wow one or two of these folks with your talents, it may get you in the door: Our research has shown that you're 10 times more likely to be hired without industry experience if you have a referral from someone on the inside who will be in your corner.


  2. Research, research, research. "Often, you can sell your achievements based on what a given company is going through at the moment," says Augustine. "For instance, if a potential employer is doing a major restructuring, and you have experience with making that work, say so in your cover letter and, on your resume, emphasize your role in a similar restructuring. The point is to find common ground between your past successes and what an employer needs right now."

  2. 调查研究。奥古斯丁表示:“通常情况下,你可以根据一家公司当前的现状来宣传自己的成就。比如,如果潜在雇主正在进行大规模重组,而你恰好有这方面的经验,你便可以在求职信和简历里强调自己在类似重组工作中的作用。重点是找出自己以往成功经历与雇主当前的需求之间的共同点。”

  Obviously, figuring that out will take lots of detailed study -- online, in the trade press, on each company's website, and in public documents like annual reports. "Set up Google alerts for the company and for keywords that are important in the industry," Augustine suggests. "In your cover letter, and later in an interview, it makes a great impression if you can offer insightful comments and ask smart questions about current industry trends and things the company is doing."


  Pay particular attention to each company's culture. "Often an employer's web page, their tweets, and even their Facebook page can give you a sense of their corporate personality and how they see themselves," notes Augustine. "It matters. In most interviews for management jobs, we've found, only about 20% of the discussion is centered on specific skills. The other 80% is all about how well you'll fit into the team and the overall culture."


  3. Be enthusiastic and willing to learn. "The right attitude can motivate a hiring manager to take a chance on a candidate despite lack of industry experience," says Augustine. "You want to emphasize that, although you do come from a different business, you've studied theirs thoroughly, and you're eager to keep learning more about it."

  3. 充满热情,乐于学习。奥古斯丁表示:“正确的心态能激发招聘经理的兴趣,使他们愿意冒险给没有从业经验的求职者一次机会。你需要重点强调,虽然你来自不同行业,但你也一直在研究他们的行业,而且你迫切希望继续学习。”

  As with so many things, making this kind of jump gets easier the more times you do it. Augustine has seen some job candidates who have spent their whole careers hopping from one industry to another -- and who turn their adaptability into a selling point: "It's a little ironic, but people who have already made the leap from one industry to another a few times, and been successful at it, can point to that and say, 'I've adapted and added value in a different business before, and I'm looking forward to doing it again.'"


本文关键字: 经验 人脉 工作

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