男子报复劈腿前妻 立中指铜像泄愤

2013-11-18 09:26:24来源:沪江英语

  A Michigan man has erected a giant bronze sculpture of a hand with its middle finger raised in the direction of his neighbor - who also happens to be his ex-wife.


  Alan Markovitz, 59, a Detroit strip-club entrepreneur, erected the 12-foot-high, spot-lit sculpture in the backyard of his lakefront Orchard Lake home.

  59岁的Alan Markovitz是底特律一个脱衣舞俱乐部老板,他在自己位于Orchard Lake的别墅后院打造了一个12英尺高的显眼铜像。

  A person who appears to be the daughter of Markovitz's ex-wife Lea Tuohy tweeted about the sculpture.

  Markovitz前妻Lea Tuohy的女儿在twitter上曝光了了这个雕像。

  'How psychotic do you have to be to buy the house directly next to your ex wife and then put a statue up like that?!?! Real classy alan,' Lenka Tuohy tweeted November 11.

  Lenka Tuohy11月11日在twitter上发布此图并说道:“你是有多神经病才会非要在前妻住处旁边买一座房子,然后竖个这样的雕像?!真是高端!”

  According to the Detroit Free Press, Alan Markovitz moved into the home with his daughter Tiffany. Markovitz is a well-known character around Detroit.

  据《底特律自由报》消息,Alan Markovitz是和女儿Tiffany一起搬进这里的,Markovitz是底特律一带家喻户晓的人物。

  He began opening strip clubs on Detroit's infamous Eight Mile in the 1980s. Since then, he's been shot twice (once in the face), had a Mob contract out on his life, sued by exoticdancers and, according to Real Detroit Weekly, once had an ex-girlfriend drive her Pontiac Fiero through the front door of one of his clubs.

  他于20世纪80年代在底特律臭名昭著的Eight Mile经营脱衣舞郎俱乐部。在那之后他受过两次枪击(有一次被击中脸部),有聚众闹事经历,被脱衣舞女起诉,而且,据《Real Detroit Weekly》周刊介绍,曾有一位他的前女友驾驶庞蒂亚克·菲罗汽车从他的俱乐部门前经过。

  A self-penned book about his adventures, Topless Prophet: The True Story of America's Most Successful Gentleman's Club Entrepreneur, was published in 2009.

  他亲自操刀的冒险经历自传《Topless Prophet: The True Story of America's Most Successful Gentleman's Club Entrepreneur》2009年出版。

  His latest endeavor is am HBO/Cinemax reality show called Topless Prophet, which isslated to air early next year.

  他的最新活动是HBO/Cinemax一档名为《Topless Prophet》的真人秀,该节目预计明年初播出。

  Deadline Detroit reports that Markovitz was married for two years to a woman who he says was cheating on him with someone he knew.

  《Deadline Detroit》报道称Markovitz与一个女人结婚两年,Markovitz声称这个女人联合一个他认识的男人欺骗他。

  She reportedly moved in with the man after she and Markovitz had split up. 'I'm so over her,' Markovitz told Deadline Detroit. 'This is about him. This is about him not being a man.'


  When a friend tweeted that Alan's gesture was making him 'look like an idiot,' Tuohyconcurred: 'Like lol someone's not over my momma!'


  According to Deadline Detroit, the sculpture cost $7,000. But flipping off your ex-wife every single day? For Markovitz, it's priceless.

  据《Deadline Detroit》报道,这座铜像总造价7000美元,但对Markovitz来说,每天对前妻竖中指,这钱花得值得……

本文关键字: 男子 底特律 铜像
