
2014-01-18 23:01:00来源:网络

  Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.


  Rhythm and blues, or R&B, is a _____ 26 of music that came out of the jazz, blues and gospel music that was being _____ 27 by African Americans _____ 28 the 1930s and 1940s. Over the years,the term has commonly been used to describe _____ _____29 popular music this community was played at the time. This more upbeat, exciting type of music caught on _____ 30 a big way, and for the first time, African Americans _____ 31 their own style of commercial music.

  In the late 1930s, many big bands broke up _____ 32 smaller units and formed "jump blues" bands _____33 played loud music with a strong dance beat, quickly 34 popular in the dance halls at the time.

  Early R&B _____ 35 were those of Count Basic, Louis Jordan and Lionel Hampton. Basie had a hit in 1937 with One O'clock Jump, _____ 36 Jordan had a string of hits from the late 1930s through the 1940s. By the mid 1940s, R.M. Blues by Roy Milton and The Honey dripper by Joe Liggin each _____37 one million copies.

  The new music style _____ 38 to evolve and was gaining_____ 39 rapidly. In Annapolis, more than 50,000 people _____40 up to a concert with seating for 8,000. There was a traffic _____ 41 for seven hours.

  Rhythm and blues has come a long way 42 American African musicians of the mid 20th century developed their own style of 43 music based on some more conservative styles at the time. R&B had huge success in the 1950s and 1960s before making an even 44 comeback as contemporary R&B 45 the 1980s on.

  26. A.style, B.form C.way D.group

  27. A.shown B.enjoyed C.played D.made

  28. g.at a.in C.on D.for

  29. A.whenever B.whichever C.whatever D.however

  30. A.with a.for C.at D.in

  31. A.have B.having C.had D.have had

  32. A.to a.in C.with D.into

  33. A.which B.what C.who D.they

  34. A.become B.became  C.becoming D.have become

  35. A.groups  B 1 musicians C.players D.bands

  36. A.but B.while C.however D.yet

  37. A.sold B.sells C.has sold D.had sold

  38. A.kept B.began C.continued D.stopped

  39. A.famous B.popularity C.success D.development

  40. A.turned B.went C.took D.joined

  41. A.accident B.gathering C.jam D.crowd

  42. A.when B.before C.after D.since

  43. A.sad B.classic C.light D.lively

  44. A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.more bigger

  45. A.from B.in C.after D.since




  早期的融R&B乐队有贝西伯爵,路易斯?约旦和莱昂内尔一汉普顿的乐队。1932年贝西伯爵的音乐“l点钟跳跃”获得了巨大成功,而从 20世 纪30年代末到整个40年代,约旦也取得了一系列的成功。在40年代中期,罗伊?米尔顿的音乐“R.M.布鲁斯”和乔?里金斯的“甜蜜乐音”则分别大卖了 100万张唱片。



本文关键字: 2014年 pets 三级
