
2014-02-24 13:33:55来源:沪江网

  Bookstores can be a destination upon themselves. From Venice to Mexico City, check out some of the most interesting book retailers out there.


  1. Libreria Acqua Alta, Venice, Italy

  意大利威尼斯 Libreria Acqua Alta书店

  This bookstore features classic volumes of American and Italian books packed in traditional Venetian gondola boats. But the show-stopping attraction is the back of the bookstore, which opens up to a beautiful canal.


  “It’s a bookshop right on the canal that floods every year, so the eccentric, stray-cat-adopting owner keeps his books in boats, bathtubs and a disused gondola to protect them,” writes Paris Review.


  The store is also lauded for its extensive art and postcard collections.


  2. John K. King Used And Rare Books, Detroit, Michigan

  密歇根州底特律 John K. King Used And Rare Books书店

  This houses more than a million books in an abandoned glove factory in Detroit's industrial wasteland.


  Cardboard signs, musty paperback aromas, and a hand-scrawled map out of a Wes Anderson panic attack are your only tour guides as you lose track of time and the person you came with.


  3. Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht, Holland

  荷兰马斯特里赫特 Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen书店

  This epic bookstore is a converted Dominican church from the 13th century. The serene alcoves of the church now serve as reading nooks.


  "A superb example of adaptive re-use, the Selexyz Dominicanen infuses rich and historic architecture with plentiful shelves ripe with information," writes Diane Pham at inhabitant.com.

  “这是适应性重新利用的一个极好的例子,这家书店把很多富含信息的书架与历史灿烂悠久的建筑融合到了一起。” inhabitant网站上的戴安这样写道。

  4. BookPeople, Austin, Texas

  德克萨斯州奥斯汀 BookPeople 书店

  Texas' largest independent bookstore is situated in the trendy Market District of Austin, Texas. The store prides itself on its knowledgable staff and epic selections.


  "Tending to more books than anyone could read in a lifetime – from international bestsellers to a remarkable showing of local authors, BookKids to MysteryPeople—plus almost daily events and a quirky collection of toys, BookPeople’s wonderful staff are on their toes expanding horizons and making literary dreams come true," the Austin Chronicle raves.

  “需要管理的书比任何人一生读的书都要多——从国际畅销书到本地作家的杰作,从店中店 Bookkids 到 MysteryPeople——再加上每天的日常事务以及收藏奇特玩具,这家书店里的员工忙着扩大视野,让文学美梦成真,”《奥斯汀纪事报》里写道。

  5. Strand, New York City

  纽约 Strand 书店

  This East Village retailer boasts 18 miles of books.


  "Its prices and selection are seldom beat, and there's still the unique thrill of finding a copy of The Grapes of Wrath once belonging to the Rikers Correctional Library in their 49-cent bin," writes Gothamist.

  “它的价格和藏品基本上都是无可匹敌的,而且当你找到一本曾经属于Rikers Correctional 图书馆、价格是49美分的《愤怒的葡萄》时,你会拥有那种特有的兴奋感,” Gothamist网站上写道。

  6. Livraria Lello & Irmao, Porto, Portugal

  葡萄牙波尔图 Livraria Lello & Irmao 书店

  This gorgeous, 100-year-old bookstore is known for its stunning architecture and "stairway to heaven."


  "Once inside, there is the curvaceous red stairway connecting the two levels (inspired on the Parisian Galleries Lafayette), the heavily decorated walls and ceilings, and the magnificent stained-glass skylight with Lello’s motto decus in labore will no doubt impress you," one visitor writes on bookstoreguide.org.


  7. The Bookworm, Beijing, China


  The Bookworm is both a lending library and a bookstore with a ridiculously expansive collection. There's also a gourmet European cafe on the premises.

  “老书虫” 书店既是一家图书馆,也是一家书店,藏书种类令人叹为观止,此外在这里你还能喝到醇香的欧式咖啡。

  "We love this Beijing spot when we're craving a double-dose of intellectual stimulation and decent café food. Thousands of English-language books fill the shelves and may be borrowed for a fee or read inside. New books and magazines are also for sale," writes Fodor's Travel.

  “我们喜欢这里,因为我们渴望既得到智力上的开发,又能在咖啡厅吃到好吃的食物。书架上有成千上万本英文图书,你可以租着看,也可以在书店里看。书店里也卖新书和杂志。” Fodor’s 旅游指南网站上这样写道。

  8. El Ateneo, Buenes Aires, Argentina

  阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 El Ateneo书店

  This bookstore is housed in an ornate theater building from the 1920's. Customers can sit in still-intact theater boxes to relax and browse their books.


  "While the selection of books on offer is standard chain store fare, bibliophiles will find the staggeringly opulent display of books to be reason enough to pay El Ateneo Grand Splendid a visit," according to Atlas Obscura.

  “虽然所提供书籍的价格是标准连锁店的价格,但是藏书爱好者们会觉得,这家书店里那种华丽得不可思议的图书展示方式值得他们前往。” Atlas Obscura网站上有人写道。

  9. Cafebreria El Pendulo, Mexico City, Mexico

  墨西哥墨西哥城 Cafebreria El Pendulo书店

  This bookstore and cafe has ample greenery inside.


  "At once bar, cafe and bookstore, the Cafebreria El Pendulo offers a well air conditioned abode for reading and lounging, and living plants decorate the interior," The Huffington Post writes.


本文关键字: 全球最棒的书店 读书
