Eat less meat to save the planet 新研究称少吃肉能拯救地球
2014-09-25 11:14:40 BBC英语教学
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Scientists believe eating beef is particularly damaging to the environment
科学家警告说我们要少吃肉以帮助保护环境。英国阿伯丁大学和剑桥大学发表的最新研究报告称,如果我们不改变饮食习惯,那么到 2050年,由食品生产而产生的温室气体排放量将比现在增长 80%。以下是 Roger Harrabin 的报道:
The study examines what needs to be done if greenhouse gas emissions from farming are to be cut alongside emissions from transport, homes and industry.
It says, on current trends, with people round the world getting richer and eating American-style diets, farm emissions will boom as forest land is converted to agriculture and fertiliser is sprayed on the fields.
The report says the emissions' growth can be contained somewhat, if farmers in developing countries are helped to improve their yields from existing fields. It'll help to stop wasting food too, the authors say.
But then there's the really hard bit: they say persuading people to eat less meat and dairy produce can actually lead to a big overall cut in emissions from farming.
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