Clean-up day in India 印度 "大清扫"
2014-10-13 11:41:30 BBC英语教学
Modi aims to build "toilets first, temples later"
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印度总理伦德拉·莫迪加入了本周四的一次全国性的大清扫运动,与成千上万的儿童、群众和政府要员一起打扫了公园,政府大楼和街道。这项由莫迪发起的"清洁印度"运动,要求国家公务员需要贡献出一天公休假日来为人民服务。请听 BBC 记者 Andrew North 发回的报道。
A former Indian environment minister once said that if there was a Nobel Prize for dirt and filth, India would win. The new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has made a big thing about changing that and has chosen one of the most important dates in the national calendar to launch his clean-up campaign: the birthday of India’s independence leader Mahatma Gandhi.
Having been scolded by Mr Modi already for their timekeeping, most civil servants were expected to give up what is a public holiday to clean up their own offices, even though it’s supposedly voluntary. Hygiene-related diseases remain one of the biggest killers of young children and a serious drag on India’s development.
While many experts have welcomed Mr Modi’s clean-up campaign, they say there’s still a long way to go.
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