Wife-carrying race “背老婆”赛跑
2014-11-05 11:45:23 BBC英语教学
摘要:Wife-carrying race “背老婆”赛跑你见过吗?没有还不来看看
A loving couple should support one another, and here in Maine, in the US, they take it to heart.
Fifty men stepped up to the plate at the annual North American Wife-Carrying Championship.
The men carry their other half through a 250-metre obstacle course as fast as they can.
And like in every relationship, there are ups and downs.
A couple of locals are this year’s winners, and the prize - her weight in beer and money.
Vocabulary 词汇:
take it to heart 对某事上心,认真对待
stepped up to the plate 接受了挑战
other half 另一半(那一位)
obstacle course 障碍赛跑赛道
ups and downs坎坷,起伏