Don’t look down! 两勇者走钢索成功横穿维多利亚瀑布
2015-01-21 11:37:43 BBC英语教学
摘要:Don’t look down! 两勇者走钢索成功横穿维多利亚瀑布,听起来刺激吗?快来了解一下吧!
The wonderful sight of Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls.
Two daredevils trained for two years to make the 100-metre-long crossing on a slackline. German student Lukas Irmler and Austrian journalist Reinhard Kleindl are the first people ever to cross the gorge walking upright.
It might be a daring walk for many, but it’s just a hobby for these two and they managed to take it in their stride.
Vocabulary 词汇:
daredevils 铤而走险的人,勇者
gorge 峡谷
daring 冒险的
hobby 业余爱好
take (it) in their stride 从容不迫,轻而易举