'Salutary' pronunciation 'Salutary'的读音
2015-02-27 15:53:42 BBC英语教学
摘要:“salutary” 这个词的发音很多人都吃不准。关键就是 /j/ 这个音,这个音到底应该怎么发呢?
"Dear editors, My name is Stephon. Recently, I've read a presentation named 'The Road to Success' by Andrew Carnegie. It's great, but I had difficulty in pronouncing the word 'salutary' in the sentence. I'm not sure if I pronounce it right. I've looked it up, and its phonetic symbol is /sæljəteri/. I'm very confused by the /jə/ and /ju:/.Would you mind telling me the right way to pronounce them? Thank for your help. "
Stephon 的英语已经很好,可是他仍然对 “salutary” 这个词的发音吃不准。关键就是 /j/ 这个音。请看看下面这四组词,哪些词的发音中含有 /j/?
joke / yolk
jaw / your
fool / fuel
pleasure / player
本期《你问我答》是语音示范练习课,请大家一边听一边练。不攻克 /j/ 音不罢休!
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