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Cinema 电影常识

分享到: 2015-02-27 16:06:46 BBC英语教学

摘要:BBC英语教学为大家带来关于Cinema 电影常识的小测验,大家一起来检测一下吧!
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\ 从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击“核对答案”按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/6 \
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\ 1 : Who is in overall charge of making a film? \
The producer
The director
The editor
The director of photography
A film production crew \
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\ 2 : What word is NOT another word for a film? \
A flick
A scene
A picture
A movie
Two people in a cinema auditorium \
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\ 3 : Usually, lots of famous movie stars go to _______ of a film. \
the preview
the test screening
the premiere
the rushes
Salma Hayek and photographers \
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\ 4 : _______ are actors who are in the background and do not speak. \
The cast
Cameo actors
An actor with more actors in the background \
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\ 5 : 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' is _______ in ancient China. \
on location
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon \
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\ 6 : What films are exciting and often about criminals and the police? \
Historical epics
Horror films
a man holding a gun \
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