One Hannibal Lecter versus Jack Crawford fight isn't enough for the "Hannibal" TV series. After their showdown was a main focus of Season 2, the duo didn't waste time locking fists when they crossed paths in Season 3's fifth episode, "Contorno."
Their duel came after the murder of the late Inspector Pazzi, who was a pawn of sorts for both Jack and Mason Verger. Though Hannibal killed Pazzi before he could deliver him into Verger's clutches, Jack did follow his friend the Inspector to catch Dr. Lecter in Italy.
There Hannibal once again tells Jack that he sympathizes with him over Bella's death --because a condolence note isn't enough, apparently -- and, wordlessly, Jack starts beating his former tormentor.
Let's face it: Jack could have easily killed Hannibal if he'd wanted to. Like "Hannibal's" main characters determined earlier this season that Hannibal had left Will Graham, Alana Bloom and Jack alive for a reason after the Season 2 finale massacre, Jack clearly chose not to strike the death blow.
"How will you feel when I'm gone?" Hannibal asks Jack. "Alive," Jack responds.
His tossing Hannibal over the railing also led to one of the most gruesome shots "Hannibal" has put together: Hannibal sliding down the maimed body of Pazzi before landing on the ground.
《汉尼拔》被砍 主创四处求复活
在NBC宣布砍掉《汉尼拔 Hannibal》十天后,合同下的全体演员全部解散,而据称昨晚开始合同到期的两位演员Huge Dancy和Mads Mikkelson正在为本剧努力寻找电影电视方面的投资人,希望本剧能够复活,但是本剧的原制作方并没有意向想要继续跟他们合作。
当然,独立制片公司还在和投资方洽谈;如果《汉尼拔 Hannibal》找到了新家,那Dancy和Mikkelson功不可没,他们仍将在新的剧集里饰演原来的角色Will Graham和Dr. Hannibal Lecter;两位都称他们非常喜欢本剧并且十分希望它复活,不过要呈现《汉尼拔 Hannibal》第四季还困难重重。此前曾一度传出本剧与Amazon签下专门协议,使得本剧与不再可能与其他流媒体服务商有合作可能。不过更重要的是,《汉尼拔 Hannibal》已经失去了它原有的想象力,本剧的开发者也是执行制作人的
Bryan Fuller已转战另一部新剧——Starz的《美国众神 American Gods》,他对第四季的《汉尼拔 Hannibal》保留评论,不过第四季至少得等到他完成第一季的《美国众神 American Gods》工作之后了,毕竟首播新剧对潜在客户吸引力更大。
“这个问题的关键在于潜在投资人到底如何看待他们所投资的东西。”Fuller接受采时说,“我对《美国众神 American Gods》有责任也有热情,所以我当然会选择到更需要我的地方去。”
而Laurence Fishburne是第一个原《汉尼拔 Hannibal》的演员作为主演加入了A&E的老剧新作《根 Roots》。
本文关键字: 《汉尼拔》被砍 主创四处求复活(图)
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