
2015-10-22 14:15:03来源:网络

  美国副总统拜登(Joe Biden)21日在白宫宣布,自己决定将不参加美国2016年总统竞选,这也正式终结了人们对于拜登是否会三度参选的猜测。

  今年5月,拜登的儿子博·拜登(Beau Biden)因脑癌不治离世,外界一度猜测原本有望参选的拜登是否会因为痛失爱子而受到影响。此前,拜登一直被视作是希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在民主党内参选之路的最大对手。

  WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on Wednesday he was notrunning for president, ending months of speculation about his possible White House bid thathad reached fever pitch earlier this week.

  Speaking at a press conference held outside his previous schedule for Wednesday, Biden said thegrieving process over the death of his son Beau Biden "closes the window" on mounting a"realistic" White House bid.

  "I've concluded it has closed. I know from previous experience that there's no timetable for thisprocess," Biden said in the White House Rose Garden with President Barack Obama and Biden'swife Jill at his side.

  "I believe we're out of time, the time necessary to mount a winning campaign for the(Democratic) nomination," he said.

  Biden's decision ended months-long speculation over whether he would challenge front-runnerHillary Clinton for the Democraticnomination.

  Speculation about Biden's White House bid ran amok earlier this week as local media citedsources as saying that Biden's announcement of his candidacy would be imminent.

  Also, in a speech on Tuesday, Biden corrected his account about the decision-making processleading up to the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, saying he did not oppose the raid, amove seen by many as attempting to dispel a possible criticism should he launched a candidacy.
