NB: This is not
a word-for-word transcript.
Feifei: Hello, I’m Feifei and
this is 6 Minute English.
Neil: Hello, I’m Neil.
Feifei: How are you Neil and
do you have a business fact for us today?
Neil: I’m very well, thank you, and
today, I am going to tell you the number of different jobs the average person
has in their whole lifetime.
Feifei: The number of
different jobs the average person has in their lifetime: Come on then… how
Neil: Well, it’s a bit
tricky to find a number that everyone agrees on, but most sources seem to say
it’s between 10 and 15 jobs. So how many jobs have you had so far in your life,
Feifei: I’ve only had three.
Neil: Only three – that’s
not many for someone as old as you!
Feifei: What! You know I’m not
Neil: Only joking! Only
joking! But with so much job-hopping…
Feifei: ‘Job-hopping’ means
moving from job to job…
Neil: Yes, it does – with so
much job-hopping, it’s important to know what to say when you’re showing new
colleagues around the office.
Feifei: Yes, showing them
where everything is and how everything works and stuff like that. That’s
important not just for colleagues but for visitors too.
Neil: Yes and I’ve got a
clip for you of our friend Derm showing a new colleague round their new office.
Have a listen to this!
Derm: OK, so this is the
main entrance, and you just have to swipe in here and just go through, and
we’ll just go up to the third floor…right, so here we are, now, we sit just
over here, and the lockers are on the left, the loos are over there and your
desk is this one. This is your computer, and the printer’s just in the far
corner. Let me show you how the coffee machine works. OK? Right, well, I’ll
leave you to it. I’m just over here if you need anything, just give me a shout,
Feifei: Well, there’s quite a
lot of language there, Neil.
Neil: I know.
Feifei: So we really need to
hear from the expert.
Neil / FF: It’s Business Betty!
BB: Hello, Neil, hello Feifei! What
can I do for you today?
Feifei: Hello Betty, we’re
talking about showing new colleagues and visitors around the office. Can you
give us some tips?
BB: I most certainly can! When you’re
showing someone round your workplace, it’s important to tell them the main
things they need to know, but don’t confuse them with too much information.
Just tell them the basics. So, they’ll need to know how to get into the building:
Neil: You just have to swipe in here
and just go through.
BB: Good. Tell them where exactly
they’ll be working:
Neil: Right, so here we are,
now we sit just over here.
BB: Tell them where everything is:
Neil: The lockers are on the
left, the loos are over there and your desk is this one.
BB: Tell them where their equipment
Neil: This is your computer,
and the printer’s just in the far corner…
BB: And tell them how things work!
Neil: Let me show you how
the coffee machine works.
BB: And don’t forget to tell them how
to get help if they need it!
Neil: I’m just over here if you need
anything, just give me a shout, OK?
BB: Very good Neil! English speakers
use the word ‘just’ a lot in situations like this. It helps keep the
conversation light. Here are some examples.
Neil: You just have to swipe
in here and just go through; we’ll just go up to the third floor; now we sit
just over here; the printer’s just in the far corner.
BB: So: that’s how you show a visitor
or new colleague round the workplace. Tell them the basics, use the word ‘just’
to keep things relaxed and tell them how to get help if they need it.
Neil: Thanks, Betty!
Feifei: Yes, thanks, Betty.
BB: You’re welcome. Bye for now!
Neil / FF: Bye!
Neil: Business Betty. Brilliant.
Feifei: I know! So Neil,
should we practise that?
Neil: I think you should
practise that!
Feifei: Me?
Neil: Most definitely. Let’s imagine
that we’ve never met before, and I’ve come here to the BBC Learning English
offices. You have to show me around and tell me where everything is, ok?
Feifei: OK, let’s give it a
go. Are you ready!
Neil: I’m ready!
Feifei: Right, so, welcome,
err… What did you say your name was?
Neil: It’s Neil.
Feifei: Oh yes, Neil. Welcome,
Neil, to the BBC Learning English offices and as you can see we’re on the fifth
floor. And our desks are just over here, OK?
Neil: OK…
Feifei: And you can use this
desk here if you like, and if you look to your left, the photocopier is just
over there, can you see it?
Neil: Yes, I can see it,
it’s just over there.
Feifei: And the loos are over
there and the canteen is on the ground floor. Is that OK?
Neil: Yes, lovely, thank you. Can I
get a cup of coffee?
Feifei: Oh, yes, of course,
let me show you how the coffee machine works.
Neil: Thanks very much.
Feifei: And if you need
anything else, just ask.
Neil: If I need anything else, I’ll
just ask.
Feifei: Oh yes, and welcome to
the BBC.
Neil: Thank you!
Feifei: So that was today’s
role-play – how did I do?
Neil: Yeah, you were pretty
good, Feifei. You told me where everything is and you kept it light. And you
said ‘welcome’ which was very friendly surprisingly.
Feifei: It was good fun, Neil.
I enjoyed it and that word ‘just’ is very useful.
Neil: Yes, it is very usefu,l
but we’ll just have to finish there.
Feifei: Yes, it’s goodbye and
good luck to you if you’re showing any visitors or new colleagues round your
workplace. Join us again for more 6 Minute English!
Neil / FF: Bye!
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时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
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