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Dirt cheap 非常便宜

分享到: 2016-08-02 11:15:56 BBC英语教学

摘要:我们脚下踩得泥土和灰尘是不要钱的,所以“dirt cheap 像尘土一样廉价”的意思是超级便宜,便宜到不能再便宜。这个表达可以用来形容一件东西非常廉价,花不了多少钱就能买到。

Dirt cheap 非常便宜


  我们脚下踩得泥土和灰尘是不要钱的,所以“dirt cheap 像尘土一样廉价”的意思是超级便宜,便宜到不能再便宜。这个表达可以用来形容一件东西非常廉价,花不了多少钱就能买到。


  At this time of year fruit is dirt cheap.

  Compared to London, properties in some parts of the country are dirt cheap - but salaries are also much lower in those regions.

  If you don’t mind last season’s designs you can pick up some dirt cheap clothes in the sales.


  短语 dig up dirt “挖灰尘”实际要表达的意思是去挖掘丑闻、丑事、污点或令人尴尬难堪的事情。


  The tabloids love digging up dirt on celebrities.

  The private investigator was hired to dig up dirt on the politician with the aim of blackmailing him into supporting the controversial policy.
