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Tear your hair out 抓狂

分享到: 2017-02-23 10:52:55 BBC英语教学

摘要:如果你对某种状况感到极为扫兴和气愤,你就会焦躁不安,想抓狂。此时就可以用“tear you hair out”。


Tear your hair out 抓狂


如果你对某种状况感到极为扫兴和气愤,你就会焦躁不安,想抓狂。此时就可以用“tear you hair out”。


I’ve been tearing my hair out over my dissertation. It’s due in next week and I’m really not happy with it. I might have to start again.

Their performance last week made me want to tear my hair out. It’s almost as if they wanted to lose the match.


训斥或强烈批评某人时就可以用另一个短语 tearing a strip off someone 或 tearing someone off a strip 来表达。


The professor really tore a strip off John today for talking on his phone during the lecture.

You better not be late for lunch again or dad will really tear you off a strip.
