
2017-04-17 09:53:54来源:网络


  17 Smart Ways to Say Goodbye in English

  Common Ways of Saying Good bye in English


  1. Bye

  This is the standard goodbye. It’s short, simple, and you can say it to absolutely anyone. It’s appropriate for friends and family, as well as co-workers and business partners. Even if you use some of the other expressions on this list, you normally still say “bye” as well afterwards.


  2. Bye bye!

  This sweet and babyish expression is usually only used when speaking to children. Occasionally, adults will say “bye bye” to each other, but only if they know each other quite well and they’re trying to be flirtatious or cute. You don’t want to say this to a colleague or business partner.

  一般用来和小孩子告别。有时成人间也会说“bye bye”,但都是用在熟人身上,或者是试图调情或显得比较cute。对同事或伙伴一般不会这样说。

  3. See you later, See you soon or Talk to you later

  These are appropriate for anyone, from co-workers to friends. Often, we say one of these expressions before saying “bye”, because “bye” can sound a little short on its own. Keep in mind that “you” is usually pronounced “ya”.


  4. I’ve got to get going or I must be going

  These are a good expression to use when you’re ready to leave a social gathering. It would be rude to suddenly say “bye” and leave in the middle of a conversation. Saying “I’ve got to get going” lets people know that you’re ready to start saying “goodbye”. Depending on the situation, you might also briefly explain why you’re leaving. For example, you might say “I’ve got to get going. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning”. This expression acknowledges that you’ve enjoyed yourself and are reluctant to leave.

  离开社交聚会时很好的再见方式,尤其是中途离开时直接说“bye”显得有点没礼貌。说“I’ve got to get going”让别人知道你就要和大家告别了。这种情况下你也应该简短说明自己离开的原因,比如明天要早起,让大家知道你玩的很开心,但不得不离开。

  5. Take it easy

  This expression is a more casual way of saying “have a nice day”. “Take it easy” is basically encouraging the person not to work too hard, and to take some time to relax. Keep in mind that “take it easy” is sometimes also said to an angry or irritated person, in which case it means “calm down”.

  相比“have a nice day”显得更不正式一些,鼓励别人不要太拼,需要休息一下。有时我们对情绪激动或是被激怒的人说“take it easy”,意思是“calm down”。

  6. I’m off

  This is another informal way of letting people know that you’re ready to say goodbye. You might soften this phrase by saying something like “right then, I’m off” or “anyway, I’m off”. Using expressions like these before saying “I’m off” lets people know that you’re about to announce something. Again, you might also briefly explain why you’re leaving. For example, you could say “anyway, I’m off: I’ve got a busy day tomorrow”. It’s a relaxed way to say goodbye, and helps you depart smoothly.

  和“I’ve got to get going”差不多,也是想让别人知道你要离开了,也可以说成“right then, I’m off”或“anyway, I’m off”来缓和语气,同样需要简单解释下原因,比如告诉大家“anyway, I’m off: I’ve got a busy day tomorrow”


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