
2017-09-27 09:40:06来源:网络




  There are tons of legends about the Mid-Autumn Festival: the Goddess Chang'e flying to the moon, Wu Gang chopping a laurel tree and the Jade Hare making medicine. These beautiful legends give the festival a fascinating charm. Most children believe these stories to be true due to the truth, kindness and beauty that are displayed in them.

  Of all these legends concerning the festival, the most widespread one is undoubtedly about Chang'e who lives in the Moon Palace. The story has many different versions. Despite their differences, they all have one thing in common: Chang'e was the wife of Hou Yi who shot down the other nine suns. Being grateful for Hou Yi's heroic act, the Queen of Heaven awarded Hou Yi an elixir of eternal life. After she drank the elixir, Chang'e ascended to heaven.


  The above translation is a typical example of choice making by the translator. The Mid-autumn related stories such as 嫦娥奔月,吴刚伐桂 and 玉兔捣药 are typical cultural terms. For such terms, there are many available translation choices. For the translator of the text, the information of the term 嫦娥奔月can be translated into:

  Chang’e Ben Yue;

  Chang’e flying to the moon;

  a Goddess named Chang’e flying to the moon

  Goddess Chang’e


  For most English readers, the name 嫦娥is something they have never heard before. While for Chinese people, the name 嫦娥 is always related to beauty. To deliver the information of the name 嫦娥, the translator chose the version “Goddess Chang’e”. By adding “goddess”, the translator successfully relates the name to beauty and elegance.

  Another example is the name of 后羿 who is a hero that shot off nine suns when the land was scorched by ten suns in Chinese legend. To exchange the information of 后羿 as a legendary hero, the translator may make his choice from the following available options.

  Hou Yi;

  Hou Yi who shot down the other nine suns;

  the hero who shot down the other nine suns;

  To introduce Chinese culture to foreign readers, it is important to introduce new cultural terms in another culture. Therefore, the translator reserves the name Houyi and adds “shot down the other nine suns” to manifest his heroic act.

本文关键字: 日常生活英语
