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The AI that spots eye disease 用人工智能技术检测眼科疾病

分享到: 2018-08-17 17:10:28 BBC英语教学

摘要:The AI that spots eye disease 用人工智能技术检测眼科疾病


The AI that spots eye disease 用人工智能技术检测眼科疾病


The AI that spots eye disease 用人工智能技术检测眼科疾病


和 “惊人的变化 surprising changes” 有关的词汇


How many eye conditions did the computer detect?


On the brinkof going blind, Elaine’s sight was saved by doctors at Moorfields Hospital. This scan showed she needed urgent treatment.


Now artificial intelligence - machines - have learnt how to interpret these complex images. A computer analysed a thousand patients’ scans using a set of rules - an algorithm - and was able to detect over 50 eye conditions. And did not miss a single urgent case.

如今,被俗称为 “机器” 的人工智能仪器学会了诠释这类复杂图像的方法。这台计算机依据一系列规则,即算法,分析了一千名病人的眼部扫描图,检测出了五十多种眼科疾病。而且没有漏掉一个紧急病例。

Dr Pearse Keane, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital
This is a jaw-dropping result - and I think that it will make most eye specialists gasp. Because, you know, we have shown that this algorithm is as good as some of the world's leading experts in interpreting these scans.

皮尔斯·基恩博士 眼科主任医师 英国摩菲眼科医院

Using artificial intelligence to diagnose eye disease could be a game changer. That's because at present, doctors are swamped by the number of scans they have to read. And some patients go blind before they get treated.


200 people a day in the UK - like Elaine - develop the blinding form of age-related macular degeneration.


She only has vision in her right eye - and welcomes the advent of artificial intelligence in healthcare.


The eye research results, published in the journal Nature Medicine, are so promising that artificial intelligence looks likely to play a key role in the NHS within just a few years.

这项眼科研究的结果发布在《自然 — 医学》期刊上,它的前景十分光明,这样看来,人工智能将会在短短数年内扮演英国国民保健系统(NHS)中的关键性角色。


on the brink of 面临、就要

jaw-dropping 令人震惊的

gasp (因惊讶)倒吸一口气

game changer 改变形势的事物

the advent of …的出现


American computer scientist John McCarthy (1927-2011) is considered one of the fathers of the discipline of artificial intelligence. He even coined the term in the 1950s.

美国计算机科学家约翰·麦卡锡(1927-2011)被认作是人工智能领域的先驱之一。“人工智能” 这个词就是他在1950年代创造的。


The computer analysed a thousand patients' scans and was able to detect over 50 eye conditions.
