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Take the world by storm 席卷世界 名扬四海

分享到: 2019-09-06 10:27:40 BBC英语教学

摘要:表达 “take the world by storm” 的字面意思是 “风暴席卷了全世界”,但它其实是用猛烈的风暴来比喻一个人或事物迅速地在世界各地获得成功,受到很多人的喜爱,引起轰动,风靡世界。


Take the world by storm 席卷世界 名扬四海


表达 “take the world by storm” 的字面意思是 “风暴席卷了全世界”,但它其实是用猛烈的风暴来比喻一个人或事物迅速地在世界各地获得成功,受到很多人的喜爱,引起轰动,风靡世界。

如果想说明某人或物在某个领域大获成功,则可以在名词 “world” 前加上具体领域、行业的名称。比如,表示 “使整个戏剧界为之倾倒”,就可以说 “take the theatre world by storm”。


The new band is taking the world by storm. A few months ago, no one knew their names, and now everyone is singing their songs!

She's an excellent actress and she hoped her performance in the play would take the theatre world by storm. But no one went to see the play, and she's still not famous.

Mobile apps have taken the world by storm in the past few years. We use them for everything now – to communicate, to buy things, to learn things – but a few years ago they didn't even exist.
