
2019-09-23 17:35:32来源:网络

  国庆节马上就要到来了,在这个举国欢庆的日子里,小编给大家整理了 新中国成立70周年英语演讲稿,帮助大家更好的了解这个节日,一起来看看吧!

  Students and teachers: Good morning! 70 years ago, when the Chinese nation to win the final victory of the war of resistance against Japan, blood and fire created by the spirit of the war, in the history of the star frame into eternity. 70 years how long? 70 years, a thousand days, can change a babbling child had already passed sixty of the elderly; 70 years can make a man become a oldest old... 70 years, will not be too long? For a person, perhaps for a long time, but in terms of history? Is always the memory of blood and fire! Victory was all over the thousands on thousands of Japanese soldiers and civilians of the blood! History does not have to remember, it is difficult to throw away yesterday, but history can not be forgotten, the whole forgotten will be a lot of courage to go forward. Chinese Anti Japanese people's heroic struggle is a heroic epic, surge high and sweep forward. The spirit of the war of resistance against Japan is unite as one, and dare to fight the spirit of hard struggle, is not afraid of sacrifice, sacrifice their lives to save the spirit of dedication, hard work and indomitable spirit of constantly striving to become stronger. In the whole nation war boom and a large number of young students face the serious national crisis, duty bound to their own youth and life dedicated to the cause of national salvation. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Peking patriotic students launched a call for resisting Japan and saving the nation "December 9th Patriotic Movement", in the domestic and foreign produced great influence, to promote the arrival of the new tide of Anti Japanese movement. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War, the majority of young students have the brave to go the front throughout the war, wrote a brilliant page in the Chinese people for nearly a hundred years of saving the nation from subjugation struggle is the sons and daughters of the fear of violence, humiliation unwilling spirit of constantly striving to become stronger is the sons and daughters of the peoples are of one mind, co-operative spirit of unity, is the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation SheShengWangSi, fought the spirit of sacrifice, is the sons and daughters of perseverance and struggle in the end of the enduring spirit. Today, we this generation, very lucky to live in happiness of the new China, do not have to swallow branny pharynx course, do not have to go through the smoke of the fire, but don't years of peace, we can sit back and relax? No, we should be grateful, life is very precious in surprise when remember: Eight years of Anti Japanese War, the Chinese nation with the blood and the life of a big country cast the dignity. The Communist Party of China as the mainstay of national unity of the Anti Japanese War, at the expense of their struggle for the war of resistance against Japan to write a glorious chapter. Commemorate the 70 anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan and the world anti fascist victory 70 anniversary speech. Our ancestor's life in exchange for peace, our parents' hard earned health, people with all our pursuit of peace together, but also to continue to carry forward the annals of the spirit of the Anti Japanese War, to defend the land of this beautiful and colorful. Today, in far away at the coast of Japan, some Japanese visits to the Yasukuni Shrine not only openly tampering history textbooks, but an attempt to occupy the Diaoyu Islands, but do Lang Lang, we can sit back and watch the indifferent? No, we should be filled with righteous indignation, blood to write history let us always remember: The world does not allow they misbehave that China will not let their wanton rampant. Their shameless will by fair trial. We are far from the fire, but never put out the anger against the dark; we say goodbye to the war, but has been continued and the battle of ignorance. In numerous silent struggle, 60 years after the war is China won the war but still feel sad more than 60 years, is to become the victors but still worth rethinking sixty years, but also learn from the spirit of the war of resistance against Japan continue to draw strength, firmly towards the future of 70 years. Whenever, we must firmly remember this history of humiliation, always remind ourselves, who shoulder the important task of the motherland. Today, bathed in golden sunshine, the face of a gentle breeze blowing warm, our country step by step towards prosperity, war era has not return. However, we should not forget the glorious history of the war that can not forget, in 69 anniversary of the victory of the war of resistance against Japan today, we should firmly remember flag is red with the blood of the martyrs, defend the motherland, we must study hard, grow up to become the motherland pillars for the construction of the motherland, to defend the motherland and dedicate himself to all!

  同学们、老师们: 早上好!  70年前,当中华民族最终夺取抗日战争的完全胜利,血与火铸就的抗战精神,就在历史的星空定格成永恒。 70多年有多久?  70年,有万多天,可以将一个牙牙学语的孩子变为已过花甲的老人; 70多年可以让一个翩翩少年成为一个耄耋老人…… 70年,会不会是太久了?对于一个人来讲,也许久了些,但对于历史来讲呢?永远是血与火的记忆!胜利的基石上洒满了千千万万抗日军民的热血! 历史不必全记得,全记得就难以抛下昨天;但历史更不能全忘记,全忘记就会少很多前进的勇气。  中国人民英勇抗日的斗争是一部波澜壮阔、气吞山河的史诗。抗战精神是万众一心、敢于斗争的拼搏精神,是不怕牺牲、舍身救国的奉献精神,是艰苦奋斗、不屈不挠的自强精神。在这场全民族的抗战热潮中,广大青年学生面对严重的民族危机,义无反顾地将自己的青春和生命献给了民族救亡事业。在中国*领导下,北平爱国学生发起了呼吁抗日救国的“一二·九爱国运动”,在国内外产生了巨大影响,推动了抗日运动新高潮的到来。抗战全面爆发后,广大青年学子纷纷投笔从戎,勇敢走上各地抗战的最前线,谱写了中国人民近百年救亡图存斗争中的光辉一页,是中华儿女不畏强暴、不甘屈辱的自强精神,是中华儿女万众一心、和衷共济的团结精神,是中华儿女舍生忘死、前仆后继的牺牲精神,是中华儿女百折不挠、奋斗到底的坚忍精神。  今天 ,我们这一代,很幸运的生活在幸福的新中国 ,不必吞糠咽菜,不必经历炮火硝烟,可是,难道和平岁月,我们就可以高枕无忧吗?不,我们应该饮水思源,在惊觉生命无比珍贵时谨记:  八年抗战,中华民族用鲜血和生命铸就了一个大国的尊严。中国*作为全民族团结抗战的中流砥柱,更以自己的牺牲奋斗为抗战写下了光辉的篇章。纪念抗日战争胜利70周年世界反法西斯胜利70周年演讲稿。是我们祖辈用生命换来和平,我们父辈用艰苦换来安康,我们和所有追求和平的人们一起,更要继续发扬彪炳史册的抗战精神,来捍卫这块美丽缤纷的土地。

  今天,在遥远的东洋海岸,有某些日本人参拜靖国神社,不但公然纂改历史教材,而且企图霸占钓鱼岛,可是,难道朗朗乾坤,我们可以坐视不闻不问吗? 不,我们应该义愤填膺,血写的历史让我们永远铭记:  世界容不得他们胡作非为,中国更不会容他们肆意猖狂,他们的无耻必将遭到公正的审判。我们远离炮火,却从未熄灭对黑暗的怒火;我们告别战争,却一直持续和愚昧的战斗。在无数场有声无声的斗争中,战后六十多年,是中国赢得了战争却依旧感到悲痛的六十多年,是成为了战胜国却依旧值得不断反思的六十多年,更是要从抗战精神中不断汲取力量、坚定地走向未来的70年。  无论何时,我们都要牢牢记住这段屈辱历史,时刻提醒自己,身上肩负着祖国的重任。  今天,沐浴着金色的阳光,迎面吹来和煦的微风,我们的国家一步一步走向富强,战争时代已不复返,可是,我们不应忘记战争年代那不能忘却的光辉历史,在抗战胜利69周年的今天,我们要牢牢记住是烈士们的鲜血染红了国旗,保卫了祖国,我们要好好学习,长大后成为祖国的栋梁,为建设祖国、保卫祖国献出自已的一切!



