
2016-11-24 11:31:57来源:网络


  国际出发/抵达 international departure/arrival

  接机服务 meeting service

  机场大楼 terminal building

  候机大厅 waiting hall

  问讯处 information/inquiry desk

  起飞/抵达时间 departure/arrival time

  登记卡 boarding pass

  安全检查 security check

  海关 the Customs

  办理海关例行手续 go through customs formalities

  海关行李申报单 Customs baggage/luggage declaration form

  外币申报单 foreign currency declaration form

  报关 make a customs declaration

  应纳关税物品 dutiable goods/articles

  往返票 round-trip/return ticket

  入境/出境/过境签证 entry/exit/transit visa

  入境手续 entry formalities

  一次性/多次入境签证 single-entry/multiple-entry visa

  再入境签证 re-entry visa

  出/入境登记卡 embarkation/disembarkation card

  旅游签证 tourist visa

  免签证明 visa waiver

  外交护照 diplomatic passport

  转机 interline connection; transboarding

  中转处 transfer correspondence

  免税物品 duty-free goods/articles

  手提行李 hand luggage

  随身携带行李 carry-on baggage/depositary

  行李提取/寄存处 luggage/baggage claim

  行李标签牌 luggage/baggage tag

  行李手推车 luggage/baggage handcart/pushcart

  机场行李搬运工 skycap

  机场班车 airport shuttle bus

  航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service

  出租车侯租处 taxi stand/rank

  健康证书 health certificate

  种痘/预防接种证书 vaccination/inoculation certificate

  接待员 receptionist

  盛大招待会 grand reception

  冷餐招待会 buffet reception

  旅馆登记表 hotel registration form

  旅馆休息大厅 hotel lobby

  客房预定服务 room reservation service

  入住/退房 check in/out

  总统/豪华套房 presidential suite

  单/双人房 single/double room

  湖景房间 room with a good view over the lake

  叫醒服务 morning call service; wake-up call service

  客房送饭服务 room service for meals

  外事办公室(外办)foreign affairs office

  活动日程;日程安排 itinerary; schedule

  欢迎/告别词 welcome/farewell speech/address
