
2018-09-21 17:57:33来源:新东方在线

  What is your advice?

  Worried Future Mother-in-Law

  Worried Future Mother-in-Law: The way your daughter and her fiancé should handle his mother is to try to respond with grace and compassion, while not letting her addiction run the show.

  If the fiancé feels strongly that his mother should not attend his wedding, then the couple should hold hands and tackle this together. They should be mindful, however, that their choice might further divide his family, as his father and siblings will be forced to make choices regarding their own presence at the wedding.

  It might be possible for the couple to make some very common-sense rules regarding having her at the wedding. For instance, they can tell her that if she becomes disorderly she will be escorted home immediately. A family member or friend can be asked to take on this chore — some people hire security to escort people away from their reception and see them safely home.

  Understand that she has an illness that affects every person in her circle (including you). All of her children (and her husband) should attend an Al-Anon support group, where they can meet and communicate with others whose lives are upended by a loved-one’s drinking.

  You should do your very best not to judge or make unkind assumptions about this future in-law. Listen supportively, but detach from all of their choices.


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