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The woman who feels no pain 一位从来感觉不到疼痛的女性

分享到: 2019-04-12 14:24:29 BBC英语教学

摘要:The woman who feels no pain 一位从来感觉不到疼痛的女性


The woman who feels no pain 一位从来感觉不到疼痛的女性


The woman who feels no pain 一位从来感觉不到疼痛的女性


有关 “pain 疼痛” 的词汇


What other effects do Jo's unusual genetic mutations bring?


She's had her teeth knocked out, broken her arm, suffered serious burns, yet Jo Cameron didn't feel any of it. The 71-year-old retired lecturer has a complete lack of pain sensitivity.
她曾经牙齿被打掉、手臂骨折,还有过严重的烧伤,然而乔·卡梅伦却感受不到任何的疼痛。这位 71 岁的退休讲师对疼痛完全不敏感

Jo Cameron
I put my arm on something and only realise it's burning when I can smell flesh burning - so it's not clumsiness. The normal reaction is you cut yourself or burn yourself once, maybe twice, then you avoid that because your brain says 'don't do that'. Well, my brain doesn't say 'don't do that'.

“我把胳膊放在一个东西上,只有当我闻到肉烧焦的味道时,才意识到胳膊被烫伤了,所以并不是因为我笨手笨脚。正常的反应是,只要割伤或烫伤自己一两次,你就会避免再次受伤,因为大脑会告诉你 ‘别那样做’。而我的大脑却不这样说。”

This is Jo with her husband and doctor eating super-hot chillies - a breeze for her.

Scientists have analysed her genes and found she has two DNA mutations. One seems to silence the response to pain and boost mood receptors in the brain. It is hoped the discovery could help others.
科学家们在分析了她的基因之后发现她的两个 DNA 发生了突变。第一个能抑制对疼痛的反应,并增强大脑中影响情绪的受体。他们希望这一发现能帮助其他人。

Professor John Wood, University College London
What we found is actually a new genetic mechanism that seems to be able to regulate pain thresholds and what we hope to do in the future is exploit this knowledge to perhaps develop new treatments for the millions of people that suffer ongoing chronic pain.

约翰·伍德教授 伦敦大学学院

Jo Cameron
I can't stop being happy and I do forget things.


Jo's unusual gene mutations also boost her spirits and she's never felt anxious, but it also affects memory. She has always been forgetful, but it's her inability to feel pain which most fascinates scientists and may ultimately help others.


pain sensitivity 疼痛敏感性

response to pain 对疼痛的反应

pain thresholds 痛阈

chronic pain 慢性疼痛


Her genetic mutations boost her spirits, stop her feeling anxious but also affect her memory.
